Python Bytes is a weekly podcast hosted by
and Brian
Python Bytes podcast delivers headlines directly to your earbuds. If you want to stay
up on the Python developer news but don't have time to scour reddit, twitter, and other
news sources, just subscribe and you'll get the best picks delivered weekly.
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Perfect for the morning commuteA quick and efficient way to keep up with news and development in the Python space!
Love the show!It's great hearing you talk about stuff I've recently seen mentioned on Twitter or Reddit. Also all the other things I've missed!
ExcellentThese gents are doing us all a rare service by bringing their lively discussions of cutting edge developments in the Python world "directly to your earbuds." Their topics, guests, and show-notes are informative and inspirational. Highly recommend it!
We are always on the lookout for topics to cover on
Python Bytes. We could use your help!
Do you have a great idea or item to feature on the show?
Send us an email!
We have a wide and growing set of courses for all levels of Python experience. Whether you are interested in getting started with our Python Jumpstart by Building 10 Apps, getting into the zen with Write Pythonic Code Like a Seasoned Developer, or dropping SQL and picking up MongoDB with our MongoDB for Python Developers course, we have something for you!
If you are into testing, you really owe it to yourself to pick up Brian's new book: Python Testing with pytest, 2nd edition
For Python-based projects, pytest is the undeniable choice to test your code if you’re looking for a full-featured, API-independent, flexible, and extensible testing framework. With simple step-by-step instructions and sample code, this book gets you up to speed quickly on this easy-to-learn and robust tool.