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#397: So many PyCon videos

Published Tue, Aug 20, 2024, recorded Tue, Aug 20, 2024
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Michael #1: pyawaitable

  • CPython API for asynchronous functions.
  • by Peter Bierma
  • It was originally designed to be directly part of CPython - you can read the scrapped PEP about it.
  • Since this library only uses the public ABI, it's better fit outside of CPython, as a library.

Brian #2: Annotated area charts with plotnine

  • Nicola Rennie
  • This is a marvelous, very professional looking plot, and a tutorial for how to achieve it.
  • Uses plotline, which is “.. an implementation of a grammar of graphics in Python based on ggplot2”
    • I actually didn’t know the gg in ggplot came from “grammar of graphics”. TIL

Michael #3: DeltaDB

  • A lightweight, comprehensive solution for managing delta tables built on polars and deltalake.
  • Deltalake: Delta Lake is an open-source storage format that runs on top of existing data lakes.
  • Polars: Dataframes powered by a multithreaded, vectorized query engine, written in Rust (aka fluent, rust-based pandas)
  • See the docs.

Brian #4: PyCon US 2024 Recap + Videos are up

  • 95 countries attended
  • total attendance of 2,991
    • 2,551 in person
    • 440 remote
  • Videos available PyConUS
    • I recommend Playlist → 2024 → view full playlist, as it’s easier to see the talk titles.
    • I’ve got Paul Gannsle’s pytest for unittesters and Amitosh Swain’s Testing Data Pipelines queued up



  • Hello, pytest! course available as of last Friday.
    • Now the fastest way to get started using pytest.
    • 16 lessons (really 12 + intro, outro, code download, pytest flag cheat sheet)
    • The whole shebang is about 90 min. (faster if you bump up the video speed. :)


Joke: The Tao of Programming: 4.3

A master was explaining the nature of Tao of to one of his novices, "The Tao is embodied in all software -- regardless of how insignificant," said the master.

"Is the Tao in a hand-held calculator?" asked the novice.

"It is," came the reply.

"Is the Tao in a video game?" continued the novice.

"It is even in a video game," said the master.

"And is the Tao in the DOS for a personal computer?"

The master coughed and shifted his position slightly. "The lesson is over for today," he said.

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