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#399: C will watch you in silence

Published Tue, Sep 3, 2024, recorded Tue, Sep 3, 2024
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Michael #1: Why I Still Use Python Virtual Environments in Docker

  • by Hynek Schlawack
  • I was going to cover Production-ready Docker Containers with uv but decided to take this diversion instead.
  • Spend a lot of time thinking about the secondary effects of what you do.
  • venvs are well known and well documented. Let’s use them.

Brian #2: Python Developer Survey Results

  • “… official Python Developers Survey, conducted as a collaborative effort between the Python Software Foundation and JetBrains.”
  • Python w/ Rust rising, but still only 7%
  • ““The drop in HTML/CSS/JS might show that data science is increasing its share of Python.” - Paul Everitt
  • 37% contribute to open source. Awesome.
  • Favorite Resources: Podcasts
    • Lots of familiar faces there. Awesome.
      • Perhaps I shouldn’t have decided to move “Python Test” back to Test & Code
  • Usage
    • “Data analysis” down, but I think that’s because “data engineering” is added.
    • Data, Web dev, ML, devops, academic,
    • Testing is down disappointed face 23%
  • Python Versions
    • Still some 2 out there
    • Most folks on 3.10-3.12
  • Install from: mostly
  • Frameworks
    • web: Flask, Django, Requests, FastAPI …
    • testing: pytest, unittest, mock, doctest, tox, hypothesis, nose (2% might be the Python 2 people)
  • Data science
    • 77% use pandas, 72% NumPy
  • OS: Windows still at 55%
  • Packaging:
    • venv up to 55%
    • I imaging uv will be on the list next year
    • requirements.txt 63%, pyproject.toml 32%
  • virtual env in containers? 47% say no

Michael #3: Anaconda Code add-in for Microsoft Excel

  • Run their Python-powered projects in Excel locally with the Anaconda Code add-in
  • Powered by PyScript, an Anaconda supported open source project that runs Python locally without install and setup
  • Features
    • Cells Run Independently
    • Range to Multiple Types
    • file is static and cannot be edited, with Anaconda Code, users have the ability to access and edit imports and definitions, allowing you to write top-level functions and classes and reuse them wherever you need.
    • A Customizable Environment

Brian #4: Disabling Scheduled Dependency Updates

  • David Lord
  • Interesting discussion of as they happen or batching of upsates to dependencies
  • dependencies come in
    • requirements files
    • GH Actions in CI workflows
    • pre-commit hooks
  • David was seeing 60 PRs per month when set up on monthly updates (3 ecosystems * 20 projects)
  • new tool for updating GH actions: gha-update, allows for local updating of GH dependencies
  • New process
    • Run pip-compile, gha-update, and pre-commit locally.
    • Update a project’s dependencies when actively working on the project, not just whenever a dependency updates.
    • Note that this works fine for dev dependencies, less so for security updates from run time dependencies. But for libraries, runtime dependencies are usually not pinned.




Joke: C will watch in silence

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