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Transcript #227: No more awaiting, async comes to SQLAlchemy

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Recorded on Wednesday, Mar 31, 2021.

00:00 Hello and welcome to Python Bytes, where we deliver Python news and headlines directly to your earbuds.

00:05 This is episode 227, recorded March 31st. Nice. I'm Brian Okken.

00:10 I'm Michael Kennedy.

00:11 I'm Michaela Reyes.

00:13 Welcome, Michaela. It's great to have you here.

00:15 Thanks, Michael and Brian. I'm a big fan of both of your shows.

00:21 Oh, thank you.

00:22 Wonderful.

00:22 Yeah, that's really nice. And super cool you could drop in here and be part of this show.

00:27 And before we get on, maybe just tell folks about yourself.

00:30 What do I do? I'm a software developer for more than 10 years.

00:35 And then I'm also an organizer of the Python community in the Philippines.

00:41 So, yeah, that's about it.

00:43 Nice. Should we jump in?

00:45 Let's jump in.

00:46 All right. Well, the other day I was on Twitter.

00:50 Sorry, I made myself laugh.

00:54 So, Ned Batchelder put out a comment that said, public service announcement, please do not remove old versions from PyPI

01:03 because it just causes work for people that have to go find your old versions on GitHub.

01:09 PyPI has a yank feature that you should use instead.

01:12 And I didn't know about this yank feature.

01:15 I didn't know about it either.

01:16 I thought you just have to live with leaving it there or you take it away and cause trouble.

01:20 Yeah. So, so this is pretty cool.

01:22 What it does is, and I should have had a screenshot of this up, but basically in PyPI,

01:28 when you go in and you go in and log into your account and you go to one of your,

01:31 the package that you want to take a version down from.

01:35 And when you go, actually, if you go to try to delete it, it'll pop up a comment that says,

01:40 hey, maybe you should yank this instead of deleting.

01:43 And this, apparently this just came out like last year or a year before.

01:47 I can't remember, but it's not terribly old and I missed it.

01:50 Yanking is about the same thing.

01:52 So yanking leaves it there, but it, it doesn't automatically grab that version,

01:59 even if it's within a range that you've specified.

02:02 The only way you PyPI will grab that version is if you specifically have that exact version specified to,

02:11 to grab.

02:11 And that way, if somebody has a pinned version to just that version, if you, if it's gone,

02:16 they just won't download anything.

02:17 So that's not nice.

02:18 It's just going to crash and, you know, their Docker thing won't build or their system won't install or whatever.

02:23 Something bad, right?

02:24 Yeah.

02:24 But, and then, I also wanted to link to, Doug Hellman article, about, so you've released a broken package.

02:33 What do you do now?

02:33 And his recommendation is just relax.

02:36 It happens.

02:37 just push it out again, fix it and push it out.

02:41 And so I, I generally, I, I don't know if I've ever thought of the need to yank.

02:46 Cause most people probably won't pin the, the bad version unless it's, unless they know it works for them.

02:52 So I guess I wouldn't worry about it too much.

02:55 It's interesting.

02:55 I guess this is new as well.

02:57 This is from May of 2019.

02:58 This yank feature according to the pep, at least something around that timeframe.

03:02 So it's pretty new, but it definitely seems like a right, a good feature.

03:06 Okay.

03:06 Have you heard of this?

03:07 I also haven't pushed anything on pipe yet.

03:10 Just internal, packages.

03:13 Yeah.

03:14 Yeah.

03:14 Then you just tell people, oh, this is broken.

03:16 Don't, don't use that one.

03:17 Yeah.

03:18 Yeah.

03:18 If you put it on, on pipe UI, then, you know, someone pip installs, pip freezes it.

03:22 They've, they've got it.

03:23 So I guess it depends how popular packages, but even if you have an unpopular one, you know,

03:28 you've got a, just a thousand downloads a day or something, or that's still a very high

03:33 likelihood that someone's going to grab it.

03:35 I just pushed up something recently.

03:37 I was excited that it got up to like 24 downloads a day.

03:40 No, I mean, that's, that's good.

03:41 I think I have nothing.

03:42 I have nothing in that scale.

03:43 I'm thinking, you know, if you're, you, if you're doing flask or Django or pandas and you

03:47 push a bad thing, like you're going to hear about it for a long time.

03:51 It's, it's going to be a high stress event.

03:53 Or as opposed to like the stuff that I have up there, no one would notice as long as I got

03:57 to it pretty quick.

03:57 I'll stick one of mine up in the, in the, the, extra section at the end.

04:02 Oh, okay.

04:02 Yeah.

04:02 Perfect.

04:03 Yeah.

04:03 I was, I was about to ask.

04:05 So SQLAlchemy, maybe you guys have heard of this.

04:09 I think it's about something to do with databases, something like that.

04:11 Yeah.

04:12 So SQLAlchemy obviously is the most popular ORM for talking to databases without writing

04:17 raw SQL, which I think for the most part, this is the way you should be doing it, right?

04:21 You should be programming with so many things.

04:23 Just change the connection string and it works.

04:24 It doesn't matter what underlying operating or underlying database you're talking to.

04:28 It'll figure it out.

04:29 Mostly we'll get to that, but big news.

04:31 Mike bears been working super hard to get SQLAlchemy 1.4 out.

04:36 And does it say here?

04:38 It says this is a ton of work that they put into over, I believe this is months of work.

04:43 And I think it came out last week, but we didn't have time to cover it.

04:47 So here it is.

04:47 And this is notable, not just because, Oh, look at some point releasing, there's a few

04:51 things, but there's a bunch of big changes for people that know about SQLAlchemy.

04:55 For example, this is the first one that it's moving towards SQLAlchemy 2.0, which is a big

05:01 change of the APIs and things like that.

05:02 So it introduces a bunch of new APIs, especially around async and await.

05:07 So this is the first SQLAlchemy that natively supports without some kind of external patching

05:12 thing.

05:12 Natively supports using the ORM to talk to the database using async and await, allow you to

05:18 plug into things like FastAPI and other places in a real scalable way.

05:22 So that's pretty cool.

05:23 And yeah, the fact that it's moving on to this, this 2.0 style is pretty interesting.

05:27 So yeah, big news, right?

05:29 Yeah.

05:29 Yeah.

05:30 Cool.

05:30 And there's a lot of changes around working with the ORM towards this new API.

05:37 So it used to be, you would create a session and then you would say session.query of the

05:41 class you want to query and then like filter and order by and all that kind of stuff.

05:45 And that stuff is gone, not removed, but it's not the new style and it's not the styles that

05:50 supports async and await.

05:51 So I'm pulling up here, this, this doc that shows like the before and after.

05:55 So if you wanted to get all the users used to say session.query of user all.

06:00 Now what you do is use this combination of select statements and then executing them.

06:04 I believe this comes out of the core of SQLAlchemy.

06:07 There's a way to do the core queries and then the ORM queries.

06:11 And I think it's leaning more on the way that the core work.

06:13 So now you would say session.execute, select a user.

06:16 And there's a few more steps for some reason.

06:18 Then you got to say .scalers.all.

06:20 If you don't do that, what you get back is like a bunch of tuples where some part of the

06:24 tuple on each entry is the thing you were looking for, I believe.

06:27 So it's not super different, but it is not even close to the same.

06:32 So that's, that's something that people should look at.

06:36 Let's see if I can find the async support here.

06:38 I'll just show you one thing that you also, I want to point out.

06:41 I said normally you can just change what database you talk to.

06:44 If you're doing the async API, you have to be more specific about it.

06:47 For example, if you just try to talk to SQLite, it'll crash and says the SQLite driver doesn't

06:52 support async.

06:52 Sorry, you can no longer use, you can't use that API to talk to SQLite.

06:56 But what you can do from this little, I've taken from one of my classes is you can use a different

07:02 connection string.

07:03 This is from my second FastAPI course.

07:06 You can say SQLite plus AIO SQLite and say, I want to use the AIO SQLite driver, not the

07:13 plain SQLite driver for my async connection.

07:16 Right.

07:16 Yeah.

07:17 So if you do that, then you're back to good.

07:19 Things go.

07:20 Yeah.

07:20 Things go as you would expect, which is really cool.

07:22 And then you've got to do things different.

07:24 Instead of creating an engine, you've got to create an async engine.

07:26 The way you work with the session object is now with the async with block.

07:30 There's a lot of interesting, like slight variations going on.

07:33 But, you know, basically it's really cool that you can now do SQLite or SQLAlchemy and SQLite,

07:39 I guess.

07:39 But especially SQLAlchemy against the databases using the ORM in an async and a wait friendly

07:45 way.

07:45 That's the big news.

07:46 That's really cool.

07:47 Yeah.

07:47 I actually think that changes to the ORM are kind of neat.

07:51 Yeah.

07:51 No, I'm not saying I dislike them.

07:52 They're just, you're not just going to be able to put in a wait in front of what you used

07:55 to do.

07:55 It's a different API.

07:57 You got to kind of go through and figure it out.

07:58 But it's fine.

07:59 It's good.

08:00 I'm really happy to see it.

08:01 Michaela, do you do anything with SQLAlchemy?

08:03 Yeah, it looks the new query style is more understandable, I guess.

08:08 But I'm just worried about those who are using the old version in production.

08:14 Yeah.

08:14 Yeah.

08:14 I don't know if it's going to go away in SQLAlchemy 2.

08:18 I'm not sure what the story is there, what the future plans are.

08:21 But if you want to take advantage of the async and wait stuff, you've got to go do new things.

08:25 But there's not going to be a lot of old code.

08:27 I mean, there's going to be no old code doing the old async way because it just wasn't supported

08:31 at all.

08:31 Right.

08:32 So it should be okay.

08:33 Yeah.

08:34 All right.

08:34 Well, that's that for that one.

08:35 And I think you're up next, right?

08:37 On your item.

08:38 I found this Django tenants package back in 2017.

08:44 And then I was just surprised that it's still being maintained when I looked at it.

08:51 So it's a multi-tenancy implementation for Django, typically used for SaaS websites.

08:59 So it's like, what's a good use case?

09:03 Let's say you have a restaurant with franchise.

09:06 And then you have a lot of people.

09:10 For example, your main web app is my

09:16 And then you have a lot of people.

09:21 And then you have a lot of people.

09:21 And then you have a lot of people.

09:21 And then you have a lot of people.

09:21 And then you have a lot of people.

09:21 And then you have a lot of people.

09:21 And then you have a lot of people.

09:22 And then you have a lot of people.

09:23 And then you have a lot of people.

09:23 And then you have a lot of people.

09:24 And then you have a lot of people.

09:25 And then you have a lot of people.

09:26 And then you have a lot of people.

09:27 And then you have a lot of people.

09:28 It uses PostGear SQL schemas.

09:33 So for each tenant, it has a different.

09:37 It will use a different schema for each tenant.

09:42 Okay.

09:43 Yeah.

09:44 This is really neat.

09:45 Because that is such a big challenge.

09:47 I know a couple of people that have sites that they build.

09:50 That their customer wants to log in.

09:52 Multiple logins for them.

09:54 And when they go in there, they want to see their data.

09:56 But you don't want to have a copy of the website for everyone.

09:59 You want to have one website that you maintain.

10:00 And it's always filtered to, well, what company are you in?

10:03 You get to see the data related to that company, that account.

10:06 As someone else comes in.

10:07 Yeah.

10:08 And this is super cool.

10:10 Yeah.

10:10 Because the data leaks can cost you lawsuits.

10:14 Yeah.

10:14 Yeah.

10:15 I mean, you could do it yourself, right?

10:17 Every single query, you could say whatever the query is.

10:19 And your company ID equals or account ID equals whatever it is.

10:24 But if you forget one time, you're in the news in a bad way.

10:27 Yeah.

10:27 Yeah.

10:28 Yeah.

10:30 This is very cool.

10:31 Yeah.

10:31 I was always curious about how people.

10:33 I mean, I'm sure there's other ways too.

10:35 But I was curious about how people would do that to build this house off of Django.

10:39 It's interesting.

10:40 And it's based on domains.

10:41 So like,, and so on.

10:46 Yeah.

10:46 So I like it.

10:48 I mean, if you're doing Django stuff, it seems like it makes a lot of sense.

10:51 And this goes down to the actual Django ORM models, right?

10:56 Yeah.

10:57 Yeah.

10:58 Cool.

10:58 Well, I don't have any use case for this.

11:01 I don't think right now.

11:02 But I can certainly see that a lot of people out there would.

11:05 I mean, like I said, if you've got a group of people associated with one customer and another

11:10 group of people associated with another customer and you want to make sure that only their data

11:14 is all kind of shared, but not overly shared, then this is a cool use case.

11:18 Yeah.

11:18 Nice.

11:18 Well, that's a really good find.

11:19 Yeah.

11:20 Cool.

11:20 Awesome.

11:21 Awesome.

11:21 All right.

11:22 All right.

11:22 Brian, you ready to commit?

11:24 Oh.

11:24 Race condition.

11:26 Race condition.

11:27 Yeah.

11:29 Yeah.

11:29 So I think we've talked about pre-commit.

11:32 I'm pretty sure we have.

11:33 Definitely talked about pre-commit hooks in the small, but not necessarily in the framework

11:38 style.

11:39 I don't know.

11:39 Yeah.

11:40 So pre-commit, well, this is the documentation for pre-commit, the normal pre-commit everybody

11:46 knows and loves.

11:47 And if you don't know it and love it, you should probably check it out because I wanted to bring

11:51 up a couple of things.

11:52 One of them is that it's a lot more than just, so I am along with a lot of other people

11:59 ran across pre-commit with things like, I want to remember to run black and, you know,

12:06 I know I'm going to run my tests.

12:07 So I may as well just check, make sure that all the tests pass before I check stuff in.

12:11 And maybe I'll run the linter and just go ahead and run black over something.

12:16 And then I don't have to worry about it too much.

12:17 Things like that before you commit.

12:20 And that's where the pre-commit got its name.

12:22 But there's a lot more hooks than commit or the pre-commit hook.

12:26 With the pre-commit tool, you can hook into pre-merge and post-merge and all sorts of entry

12:32 points around version control.

12:34 So it's a very powerful tool.

12:36 And there's a thing when people build up a whole bunch of tooling around it.

12:42 And you can also get best in class little hook snippets from other people to plug into

12:47 it, which is really great.

12:49 But if I'm sharing it across a whole bunch of different projects, I kind of have to copy

12:53 that into all the repos.

12:55 But you don't really have to anymore because now there's a pre-commit CI.

13:00 So it's a continuous integration type version like a lot of other, like, I don't know, like

13:06 Travis used to be or something or other sort of CI tools.

13:11 This is another CI tool chain that you can use.

13:14 And it'll run.

13:15 You can set up pre-commit hooks and run it over a project.

13:20 And one of the nice things about it is you can have a whole bunch of different things set

13:25 up and configured and run it against multiple projects and have that just set up in a different

13:30 place.

13:31 So this is a really, really kind of a cool tool.

13:34 And I've been trying it out on a couple of projects.

13:37 So yeah.

13:38 So we have pre-commit, pre-commit framework, which lets you use pre-commit hooks.

13:44 There's a lot of layers.

13:45 It's like turtles all the way down.

13:46 You can have pre-commit, you can have pre-commit hooks for Git, but they might be written in

13:50 all different languages like Node or Rust or Python or whatever.

13:53 And getting those installed and running can be a pain.

13:56 So there's the pre-commit framework, which lets you not worry about that stuff and just

14:00 run all these pre-commit hooks from different sources.

14:02 This is another thing on top of that.

14:04 This is the pre-commit continuous integration server.

14:07 So people have heard of pre-commit before.

14:08 This is like extra new stuff that Anthony Sotili has been working on, right?

14:12 Yeah.

14:13 Yeah.

14:13 And he's been doing this on the side for a little while to try to, it's a, it's believe

14:19 it's, well, I've signed up.

14:20 with, through GitHub and I think it's free for open source projects.

14:23 I don't know the details.

14:24 but, yeah, anyway, I, I think it's a neat idea.

14:28 I occasionally get, so one of the things that's nice about it, obviously I'm going

14:33 to run pre-commit the, the hooks, but if somebody merges something into my code, they can, they

14:38 can choose not to do that and do a merge request.

14:41 And this, this allows all those hooks to run on all the merge requests.

14:45 So I'm, I'm a big fan of putting stuff in CI because I've seen so many scenarios,

14:50 where people are part of some of the people on the team are really excited about this and

14:54 really want to work with it.

14:55 And other people, they don't even want to be bothered to figure out what it is, but they're

15:00 in attention to, it means the builds break and other stuff goes wrong for the people who are

15:05 trying to keep, I don't know, the linter happy, the unit test running or whatever it is.

15:11 Right.

15:11 And so if you're relying upon pre-commit hooks, this means that everybody gets their pre-commit,

15:16 their, their commit hooks and stuff run and validated, not just the people who didn't, you

15:22 know, ignore them or whatever.

15:23 Yeah.

15:24 like for one example is like, just like black, for instance, if you like to run black

15:28 over your stuff before you check it in, you can just not even see it before, people

15:33 do it.

15:34 And one of the nice things about this is that it can, it can change, create a new

15:37 merge request.

15:38 So one of the things it'll do is if somebody does a pull request or merge request, whatever,

15:42 against your project and you want this stuff run, like for instance, some of them will

15:47 actually change your code.

15:48 Black's one that changes your code.

15:50 So this takes the old merge request, runs black on it and then creates a new merge

15:54 request with the changes.

15:55 so that's nice.

15:57 Yeah.

15:57 Cool.

15:57 Okay.

15:58 Are you using the, pre-commit hooks or anything like that with your teams?

16:02 no, I'm just aware of black, but when Brian explained it, it's, it's, yeah, it's

16:09 similar to it.

16:10 Although it's, something that you put on GitHub.

16:13 Did I understand it?

16:14 Right.

16:15 Well, or, or, or, or whatever your.

16:17 The continuous integration version that we're just covering does, you can put it on

16:22 GitHub, but the, and pre-commit works with GitHub projects as well.

16:26 but it's a, something you run locally.

16:28 So you have it, it's, it's run by get pre-commit hooks are triggering the, the hooks that you

16:35 can configure.

16:36 Yeah.

16:36 That's a, yes, it's turtles all the way down.

16:38 yeah.

16:39 So Brian, I don't know if you have any awareness to this or not, but I'll ask you anyway, just

16:45 tell me if you don't know, would it still make sense to run, put the pre-commit framework

16:49 locally and have it try to do it locally before it happens in GitHub.

16:53 So maybe you get a better, more immediate feedback on it or.

16:56 Yeah.

16:56 Just like depend on the one on the CI server.

16:58 Of course I do.

16:59 so that, because I, I want to catch it before I push it up for my own stuff.

17:04 But if somebody's, wants to, you know, do a pull request, I don't even want

17:09 to look at their code if it doesn't pass.

17:11 I mean, I mean, it might be a cool idea, but, but if it's, if, if, you know, it's a lot

17:18 of work if somebody pushes something and all the tests are broken and whatever.

17:21 Yeah.

17:22 And then we're like, you don't want to go back and say, Oh, I'll accept your PR, but you

17:25 have to go and run black against it.

17:26 And then I'll accept it.

17:27 Like just make it automatic.

17:29 Yeah.

17:29 Just make it automatic.

17:30 So.

17:31 Yeah.

17:31 Yeah.

17:31 Super cool.

17:32 All right.

17:32 And the next one here comes to us from David Smith.

17:36 And he, like many of our listeners are, is it very helpful?

17:39 Sends in things periodically.

17:41 Says, Hey, I happen across this thing at sneak S N Y

17:45 And I'm not sure how new this is, but it's quite neat.

17:49 So over here we have the sneak package advisor and it's not just for Python.

17:54 It's for many of the things, I guess, three of the things, the moment, NPM, IPI and Docker.

17:59 And what you can do is you can go over here.

18:01 I'll just focus on IPI for now.

18:04 And you can put in packages like they have Django there listed.

18:07 So let's put Django in and see what happens.

18:08 And it will tell you what is the package health score?

18:12 What is the security story?

18:14 Have there been issues?

18:15 Have they been fixed?

18:16 How often is this being worked on?

18:18 So many times people who are new to Python or even not new to Python, but new to an area

18:23 like, you know what?

18:23 I want to start using async and await with an ORM.

18:26 What are my options?

18:27 I've been using SQLAlchemy and imagine it didn't get as update.

18:30 I got to switch to something else.

18:31 What are my choices?

18:32 Here's four.

18:33 How do I know which one of those four is still alive, healthy, et cetera, et cetera.

18:38 So you come in here and you can see some information about it.

18:42 I'm going to say that this is not necessarily the best.

18:47 Let me see if I can find Django without.

18:49 One of the things I'm seeing that makes me kind of wonder, I clicked on maybe the wrong

18:53 one.

18:54 I clicked on a specific version and it said it was not very popular.

18:57 I'm like, that can't be right for Django.

18:59 It's an unpopular package.

19:01 So it tells you things like, what is the popularity?

19:03 And for Django, so this is a key ecosystem project, like too big to fail, sort of.

19:08 What is its maintenance story?

19:10 It's healthy.

19:10 Does it have known security concerns?

19:13 No.

19:13 Is this community active or whatever?

19:15 And then also it's cool.

19:16 It has, you might also look at these other packages.

19:18 Like Django is getting 97 Flask.

19:21 It shows right there.

19:22 Flask is a 93 out of a hundred in its score and you could open it up and see why there's

19:25 a bunch of graphs around here as well.

19:27 You can see like the commit frequency, the open issues, open PRs.

19:33 When was the last commit?

19:34 GitHub forks, all sorts of stuff around here.

19:37 So number of contributors go down there and see that actually the community shows like the

19:42 recent people.

19:42 Does it have a code of conduct that it could discover, right?

19:45 Does it have funding that have a contributing doc?

19:48 What were the recent security issues?

19:51 All sorts of stuff.

19:52 You know, I'm not going to go through all of it, but there's a bunch of cool things you

19:54 can just pull up about other packages and compare them against each other.

19:57 You can pull up like Flask if you want and see that side by side and so on.

20:02 So what do you guys think?

20:03 Yeah.

20:03 Cool, right?

20:04 Yeah.

20:04 Yeah, I think it's neat.

20:05 It's similar to Django

20:08 Oh, yeah.

20:09 Django

20:11 Which is, like you said, a similar idea, but just for like an auth layer for Django or a

20:19 special admin back in for Django.

20:20 But this is more like for the whole community.

20:23 Yeah, for the whole Python.

20:24 Oh, or it supports other languages too, right?

20:28 Yeah.

20:29 Sort of.

20:30 It supports Node and Docker, right?

20:34 So, yeah, I think the idea is probably that more stuff is coming along, but I do like

20:37 this, you know, if everything else being equal and you can't decide, put two projects in here

20:41 and, you know, see what it says, right?

20:43 You can see, like to me, one of the big warning signs of an open source project is if there's

20:48 a bunch of PRs that are like six months old, nobody's even bothered to respond.

20:53 You know, somebody's gone to the effort of, I've actually tried to improve this.

20:57 I've done the work.

20:58 I've written the test.

20:58 Here it is.

20:59 Will you just accept it or tell me what else I got to do?

21:01 And they're not even willing to respond.

21:03 Like that is a huge red flag.

21:05 And that kind of stuff will come up here as well.

21:07 And hey, Anthony Shaw out there in the live stream is if you sign up with your GitHub creds,

21:12 Snyk will check your project requirements.txt for you and raise PRs if there's security issues.

21:18 Yeah.

21:18 Oh, nice.

21:19 And if you use PyCharm, the PyCharm security extension, it has Snyk is integrated in.

21:24 Oh, and Anthony, who makes then a PyCharm security extension?

21:28 Is that?

21:29 That's right.

21:29 Anthony does that one.

21:31 Awesome.

21:33 Yeah, that's really good work, Anthony.

21:34 Thanks for that extra information as well.

21:37 So you can just search a project on there.

21:39 Yeah.

21:39 Put me on the spot.

21:40 Search my cards.

21:42 What is it?

21:43 No, pytest dash check.

21:44 pytest.

21:45 pytest check.

21:45 Gotcha.

21:46 Oh, let's see what we get.

21:48 What are we going to get?

21:49 Hold on.

21:49 You're doing pretty good.

21:52 You got a 65.

21:52 I mean, look, you are recognized.

21:55 Look at this.

21:56 And you are sustainable with no known security issues.

21:59 I'm saying this is the same bad, man.

22:01 I mean, there are fewer committers than Django, to be fair.

22:06 But still.

22:06 Yeah.

22:08 Still, it's quite good, right?

22:08 But I'm surprised that there's 10 contributors.

22:11 This is just something that I.

22:12 It's pretty good.

22:13 It's probably my oldest package.

22:15 So that's.

22:15 Okay.

22:16 No, this is pretty good.

22:17 I mean, it has no known security issues.

22:19 That's pretty good.

22:20 And you could even embed a little package health score if you wanted to.

22:23 Right.

22:23 Well, let's get.

22:24 Let's figure out how I can get it up.

22:26 Yeah.

22:28 Get that into the 90s and then embed it.

22:29 Get up in the 90s.

22:30 How about that?

22:30 Perfect.

22:31 Fantastic.

22:32 All right.

22:32 Who's next?

22:34 I guess, Kayla, you're next.

22:36 So.

22:36 Yeah.

22:37 There you go.

22:37 Tell us about this one.

22:39 So this one has been contributed by one of the shows on Twitter fans.

22:47 And then when I first looked at it, I thought it's just another tool that tries to do away with JavaScript.

22:59 But then when I tried it out, I guess I kind of had an appreciation for it because it can be used for.

23:08 Yeah.

23:09 I imagine for hobby projects, like for people who.

23:13 Oh, wait.

23:14 Let me just explain what it's for.

23:15 It allows you to build simple applications or browser based GUI applications without the need to write HTML and JavaScript.

23:24 So it has input and output modules.

23:28 It's also based on Tornado when I check the requirements.

23:32 Oh, that's really cool.

23:34 So if you were going to write a script, just a terminal CLI type application.

23:38 Yeah.

23:39 And it would ask questions like input.

23:41 What is your height in centimeters?

23:43 Input.

23:44 What is your weight?

23:45 And it would convert that to a float.

23:46 And then you would print out the information.

23:49 So this has really similar stuff.

23:51 Like the input doesn't come from the built-in one.

23:54 It comes from PyWebIO.input.

23:57 And that'll actually create a text box.

23:59 And because you say the type, you'll even get validation.

24:01 Like, oh, this has to be a number.

24:03 That's pretty neat.

24:04 Yeah.

24:05 Yeah.

24:05 I think it can be used for hobby projects.

24:07 Like for people who know how to write Python code, but don't want to write HTML and JavaScript.

24:13 And it also as a teaching tool for, let's say, you're teaching kids the concept of input and output and don't want them to just use the terminal.

24:26 Yeah.

24:27 You know, it's really interesting.

24:28 My daughter wanted to learn Python and get into programming and stuff.

24:32 And I tried to show her stuff in the terminal.

24:34 She was just, no.

24:34 Yeah.

24:35 And then we started playing with Anvil, which has a similar, like really simple way to just get like graphical stuff on the screen.

24:43 And she was all about it.

24:44 She played with it for hours, creating little apps and quizzes for people and stuff.

24:48 And it doesn't seem like a big difference, but that visual aspect, I think it's pretty big.

24:53 I think people are, you know, it makes a big difference.

24:56 Yeah.

24:56 Yeah.

24:56 I was, so I probably use something like this for maybe build scripts, for instance, used by a team.

25:03 So sometimes you have like, you know, just a few questions you need to ask somebody.

25:07 Yeah.

25:08 And you can do that easily on a web form or something like that.

25:10 But if it's like a script that you're running on the command line and some people don't want to run to have interactive command line.

25:18 I don't understand that actually personally.

25:20 But there's definitely people on my team that will not voluntarily run a command line script.

25:26 Yeah, absolutely.

25:27 And it looks like it integrates into existing web frameworks, which is cool.

25:31 Yeah.

25:31 But it also, the way it runs, it looks like you might be able to actually package it up with PyInstaller and just go here, double click this.

25:38 And it'll come up with something.

25:40 Yeah.

25:40 Yeah.

25:41 Yeah.

25:41 The only limitation I see is that once you want to style the HTML code, but that's far, way far in the future.

25:52 I mean, once you start doing that.

25:54 Yeah.

25:54 You probably got to do CSS or something like that, right?

25:56 Yeah.

25:56 Cool.

25:57 That's a good pick.

25:58 Very nice.

25:58 Thanks to the contributor on Twitter.

26:00 Yeah.

26:01 Absolutely.

26:02 All right.

26:02 That's it for me, Brian.

26:04 You got anything else?

26:05 Well, I had teased about just saying that, well, we already talked about PyChix.

26:10 test check a little bit.

26:11 So the new package that I just put up last week, I guess, I went ahead and misunderstood.

26:23 There's a package called pytestPoo, which is a brilliant package that I thought I had it wrong.

26:30 I thought it put little like poo emojis for failed tests.

26:34 Turns out it didn't.

26:36 What it does is you had to mark a test with like poo.

26:43 And then it just showed those whether it passed or failed.

26:46 And I said, well, I thought, well, we kind of need a distinguisher.

26:49 So also, I don't think I could get my team to use poo emojis.

26:53 So I created pytestYuck because I'm a kid of the Mr. Yuck generation, I guess.

27:00 And so what it does is you mark a test with Yuck.

27:05 And if it passes, you get a green queasy face.

27:09 And if it fails, it actually throws up.

27:12 So this is a new and its download stats are the only day that recorded was 24 downloads.

27:21 So that's actually pretty good for its first day.

27:23 That's I'm going to say that's good.

27:25 It was probably all me.

27:27 But and then, I don't know, a month ago or so, I did pytestSourcePaths, which just allows

27:33 you to specify import paths for so that your test can find your code.

27:38 And then, as we already showed, pytestCheck is the one that's been out for years.

27:42 It just allows multiple failures.

27:44 So those are my packages.

27:46 No, those are really cool.

27:47 And you've been busy.

27:48 Yeah.

27:49 I'll try the Yuck package later.

27:54 Nice.

27:55 All right.

27:55 I got a few real quick things to throw out there at the end here as well.

27:58 Marco Gorelli sent over this project that he's working on called AbsoluteFi Imports.

28:04 So if you've got a package that's using relative imports and you would rather to

28:08 convert it over.

28:09 So all the dot and from dot or from dot dot, whatever, import something and turn those into

28:15 Absolute Imports.

28:17 It's like one line.

28:18 To me, it's a little bit like Flint.

28:19 Run that against your project.

28:21 It turns all the string formatting to f-strings.

28:23 This will do that.

28:24 But for the imports, take them from relative to absolute.

28:27 So that might be helpful.

28:28 People got some code to migrate and they want to do it like this.

28:30 And then notice Anthony Shaw was in the audience, but I was already going to cover this.

28:35 Last week, was it Kelly?

28:37 Or it is?

28:38 Who said, oh, when I talked about Beanie, the MongoDB ORM, she's like, oh, I thought you're

28:43 talking about Beanie Babies.

28:44 And then somebody threw out that Anthony Shaw should make a Beanie Baby plugin.

28:48 And it looks like he's already made a Beanie Baby bear.

28:52 Isn't that amazing?

28:53 He had this up like the same day.

28:55 Well done, Anthony.

28:56 Thanks for keeping it interactive.

28:59 That's awesome.

28:59 Yeah, that's good.

29:00 Yeah, cool.

29:01 And we've talked about supply chain issues and hacks and whatnot.

29:05 Well, this one should take people's breath away.

29:07 Like, I mean, you were like, oh, you don't want to install from this other install source

29:12 rather than from like main source on or whatever I was talking about the other day.

29:17 Right.

29:17 I'm like, I'm building from source at this point.

29:19 This is driving me crazy.

29:20 Well, PHP didn't want to use GitHub.

29:23 They wanted to have their own like sort of GitHub like thing with their own authentication

29:26 and all that kind of stuff.

29:28 Well, somebody broke into that and literally put a backdoor into PHP itself.

29:33 Think about that.

29:35 79% of the websites in the world run on PHP and the runtime itself had a backdoor in it.

29:42 Just for a little while.

29:43 But yeah, I mean, just for a little while.

29:45 Yeah.

29:45 Like, so there's, we can even cut a little bit of a diff here in this Ars Technica article

29:50 I'm linking to like, excuse me, what does this line do?

29:53 This line executes PHP code from within the user agent.

29:58 If the string, if the user agent includes zero DM.

30:01 So you just put your user aid, you just put the hack you want to run in your user agent

30:05 and do a request to the server and off it goes.

30:07 That's nuts.

30:08 That's not good.

30:09 So thankfully that's not Python.

30:11 And then this one, this one was you, Michaela, right?

30:15 Yeah.

30:15 It's the last day.

30:17 It's the last day of the March membership drive for the PSF.

30:22 I mean, they said that you can be a member any time of the year, but it's the last day for

30:29 their 2000 goal member for March.

30:34 Yeah.

30:34 Super cool.

30:35 Hopefully they're doing well over here.

30:37 Yeah.

30:37 Yeah.

30:38 So people, please be part of that.

30:41 If, yeah, if you want to be great to support them that way.

30:44 All right.

30:45 And I got to say, Michael, thanks for bringing up Flint.

30:47 I was actually forgot about that and I need it.

30:50 And, and.

30:51 F L Y N T.

30:52 Love it.

30:53 Yes.

30:53 Y N T.

30:54 I was Googling it for a while until I found it.

30:56 Yeah.

30:56 Nice.

30:57 Yeah.

30:57 I've turned that loose on some, most of the Python code I have to live with and any frequency

31:02 I have to go back to.

31:03 It's like, just find all the strings and make them f-strings.

31:05 Then I'll go look at it.

31:06 Lovely.

31:06 I love it.

31:06 Okay.

31:07 All right.

31:07 Speaking of love and stuff.

31:08 How about a joke?

31:09 I love one.

31:10 All right.

31:10 So this one comes not to us, but was found and Ricardo Ferreria put this out on Twitter.

31:18 So I thought this would be fun.

31:19 Like we've talked about comments before and we've even had those jokes where it's like all

31:22 about the comments, right?

31:23 It's all the crazy things people put in their comments, like, you know, hash, I really need

31:28 to find a better job type of comments.

31:30 So this one is more visual.

31:31 I know some people are more visual and commenting what they're doing.

31:34 So Brian, this is like a, like a smart speaker or like a, like a, some kind of conference

31:40 phone.

31:41 And on the phone, it's got some buttons and they have little icons, like a mute microphone,

31:45 like a phone number one to like maybe place the call up down volumes have like louder volume,

31:50 less loud volume.

31:51 Maybe describe the comments for our listeners.

31:53 Well, there's dashed lines to go to each button with like a manual or something, right?

31:58 With it, with like the, the same icon that's on the device, just next to it.

32:05 Just, yeah, exactly.

32:06 This is like just the, the, you know, slash, slash or hash or whatever of the, you know,

32:12 logger, logger equals new logger was the comment, you know, hash logger.

32:16 This is the same, but, for documenting the user interface.

32:20 Yeah, that's definitely like the, the, you know, string user comment, the user.

32:25 Exactly.

32:28 Beautiful.

32:29 Nice.

32:29 Yeah.

32:30 Well, super fun to BS about Python again with you this week.

32:34 Thanks Michaela for joining us.

32:36 Thanks Brian and Michael.

32:37 Yeah, it was really great to have you here.

32:39 Thanks for coming.

32:40 Good to see you as always, Brian.

32:42 Bye.

32:42 Bye guys.

32:43 Thank you for listening to Python Bytes.

32:45 Follow the show on Twitter via at Python Bytes.

32:48 That's Python Bytes as in B-Y-T-E-S.

32:50 And get the full show notes at

32:54 If you have a news item you want featured, just visit and send it our way.

32:58 Always on the lookout for sharing something cool.

33:01 On behalf of myself and Brian Okken, this is Michael Kennedy.

33:04 Thank you for listening and sharing this podcast with your friends and colleagues.

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