Transcript #302: The Blue Shirt Episode
Return to episode page view on github00:00 Hello and welcome to Python Bytes, where we deliver Python news and headlines directly to your earbuds.
00:05 This is episode 302, recorded September 20th, 2022.
00:11 I'm Michael Kennedy.
00:12 And I'm Brian Okken.
00:14 Hey, Brian. How are you doing?
00:15 I'm great. It's a nice day.
00:17 Yeah, it is a lovely fall day here in the Pacific Northwest.
00:20 Dry as can be. I just had a very nice walk with my dog.
00:24 Nice.
00:24 It's going to be hard to go back to work after this podcast, looking out the window.
00:29 I give myself 50-50 chances of making it.
00:31 Yeah, I got to go back to the other screen.
00:34 That's right. I'm going to be looking that way.
00:37 Awesome. Well, before we kick off the show, I also want to say thank you once again to Microsoft for Startups.
00:43 They're sponsoring this episode again.
00:45 And huge supporters of the show. Tell you more about that later.
00:48 Brian, could you just whisper to me about your next project here?
00:52 Code Whisperer.
00:54 So we've talked about, I think we've talked about GitHub Copilot before.
00:59 And I'm not sure if we talked about Amazon's Code Whisperer yet.
01:02 I don't think so.
01:04 Okay. So Code Whisperer is a similar kind of thing, I think.
01:07 I haven't tried it myself, actually.
01:09 But there's an article by Brian Tarbox that says, Can Amazon's Code Whisperer write better Python than you?
01:17 I brought this up because I've been thinking about it a lot, about these AI copilot sort of things and stuff.
01:24 So Amazon's offering looks like it's almost, I don't know if it's a similar sort of model.
01:31 In this example that he's giving, he has a bunch of examples.
01:36 He's going through, you write a description.
01:39 He's writing a description.
01:40 I don't know if this is the only way.
01:42 But basically, describe the function you want.
01:44 Like, function to open an S3 file.
01:46 And it writes one for you.
01:48 And even titles it.
01:50 So you give it a code comment and it, like, pops out some code.
01:54 Now, for this is kind of an interesting thing around, especially around Amazon services,
01:59 because there's a lot of Amazon services.
02:01 And, you know, you do a lot of API lookups and stuff.
02:03 So some help directly around APIs.
02:07 Actually, I think that that area makes kind of some sense.
02:11 Although, if you need an AI to figure out the API, maybe the API is a little complicated.
02:16 Just saying.
02:17 Exactly.
02:19 But the discussion is an interesting one through here about, basically, about the code that it gets out.
02:26 And it's really not talking about the morals of it or anything.
02:30 It's just really talking about using it and how good it is.
02:34 The punchline at the end.
02:37 So the author admits that the title was intended to be clickbaity.
02:44 And, you know, which is cool.
02:48 Because it's the internet.
02:49 Yeah.
02:49 But despite that, he, in walking through it, he thinks that it's actually, it's just making him a little bit better because it's more efficient.
03:01 And I'd like to quote a little bit.
03:03 It's a little bit better.
03:05 It's a little bit better.
03:06 It's a little bit better.
03:06 It's a little bit better.
03:07 But it's a little bit better.
03:07 It's a little bit better.
03:07 It's a little bit better.
03:07 But it's a little bit better.
03:08 spurs code is better or worse than mine is at the margins and not really important. What is
03:14 significant is that it has the potential to save me a ton of time and mental space to focus on
03:19 improving, refactoring, and testing. It makes me a better programmer by taking on some of the
03:24 undifferentiated heavy lifting. And I kind of like that idea of it kind of takes away the blank
03:31 canvas situation of like, you know, it might show you how it might one way to do it. And you can look
03:38 at it and go, Oh, no, I wouldn't do it that way. And then you can change it. But you've you now you're
03:42 on your second draft already, instead of so it's letting the AI do the first draft. It's kind of a
03:48 neat idea. I was looking he did this data class one, for instance, this kind of blew me away. He's got an
03:54 inventory item. And, and it's already any writes a description for a function that returns whether or
04:03 not an item costs more than $10. And, and it returns, it writes a function called expensive,
04:10 like he didn't say expensive in the title at all. But it's interesting. It said expensive,
04:16 and then it returns whether or not the unit price is greater than 10.
04:19 And it realized it was within a class. And so it used self dot unit price and not just some
04:25 unassociated function that returns greater than 10.
04:28 Yeah. So it is interesting. Yeah, yeah. Anyway, interesting discussion. And then also interesting
04:36 looking at the code, he tried it against test code, he said, I want to function the test the inventory
04:41 class. Well, one, I think it was probably maybe this was a prompting problem. You shouldn't have one
04:47 function to test an entire class. My, my, my druthers, but it did a decent job of at least
04:53 giving you a first start of like, one of the things to test is you need to test the expensive thing.
04:57 You need to function, you need to test the total cost. It just did it all in one function though. So
05:03 I mean, I guess that's what he asked for, but coming up with the total cost, which is computed.
05:06 That's kind of interesting. Yeah. Yeah. That is interesting. Yeah.
05:10 And the base item is a unit price of $10 and there's five of them. And so in the test,
05:16 it asserted the total cost is 50. Yeah, definitely. Interesting. Interesting to definitely look at
05:21 and good. And it might help you think about other test cases around it. So, so I guess cool. I wanted
05:28 to point out while I'm thinking about it, one of the reasons why I brought this up is I just listened
05:32 to a changelog episode with Simon Willison called stable diffusion breaks the internet. And this is
05:38 focused on AI driven artwork, which is definitely interesting and interesting conversation,
05:45 but in it they talk, since these are all programmers, they talk, talk about how this,
05:50 the same sort of argument applies around, around code generation of the morality of it. And,
05:56 and then aside more morals aside or in legal stuff aside, it's happening. So how do you,
06:02 Simon brings up the term of basically just you need to be one level of abstraction above the AI system. So
06:12 just to make sure that you were still adding value and the original author of this article talked about
06:18 this as well of it's, it's not about really not thinking it's about freeing up some of your brain
06:24 space to do other things. So in interesting. So, yeah, it is interesting. I mean, there's certain
06:29 things that you probably don't just don't need to remember. You know, I'm thinking of, do I really need to
06:35 remember all the steps in the connection string schema for connecting to SQLAlchemy? Probably not. I could
06:42 just say connect to SQL, you know, connect SQLAlchemy to a Postgres database and boom, it gives me,
06:47 you know, create the metadata, the metadata base class, and then create an engine and create a connection
06:55 and you're buying the engine, all those steps, right? Like if you could just kick that kind of
07:00 stuff out, that's something you want for a project and you just never do. It's not like, boy, I'm sure
07:05 I'm not good at connecting to SQLAlchemy. I'm just not a good programmer, I guess, right? You look it up,
07:09 you put it in there and you go. And so if you didn't have to take the step of looking up, that's kind of
07:13 cool. Yeah. I also like that. I didn't think about this before. And I think GitHub actually intended you
07:18 to think about it like this with naming it Copilot. It's not intended to take over your work, but it's
07:24 like sitting down with somebody that kind of knows what they're doing and being in pair programming with
07:29 them. Yeah. You can't turn off your brain, but maybe you can ease up a little bit. So anyway.
07:34 Wait, before you close this, scroll down to this black and white code editor. Boy, look at that.
07:39 If you check out this article, there is a, I don't even know what to make of it. Because to me,
07:43 it looks like a super retro early macOS, like macOS one type of UI, but then the file is c colon
07:51 backslash CD. It's just a mix of like beautiful retro. Yeah. Well, he was talking about the first
07:58 recorded code completion appears in the Pascal editor called Alice in 1985. So yeah. And I guess that's it.
08:07 Well, that's a, that's a heck of an editor. Super cool. All right. On to the next one.
08:12 Yeah. Two things real quick. I just want to point out or sort of make a comment. It's not pointed out
08:17 this morning. I had to make a new API because one thing I've learned about writing courses that depend
08:23 on other people's APIs, these other people suck at keeping their APIs running. They either decide,
08:29 you know what, this is costing me $10,000 a month and I'm going to have to charge for it. Boo hoo. No,
08:34 just kidding. That's a reasonable reason to change, but it changes like with the open weather API
08:37 or like this one for this Twilio course I was using. So I spent the morning a little bit of
08:44 yesterday and this morning, just doing a complete from scratch FastAPI API. And what a ton of fun
08:50 it is to just work with FastAPI and get to build out all sorts of neat, neat little things. And so,
08:56 you know, I just want to shout out if you're, if you're building something with FastAPI or you're
09:00 building an API, you can definitely give FastAPI. Look, there's a lot of, a lot of neat things you can do
09:04 to put together. Like here's a whole little website. It even does CSS and images and sort of,
09:09 sort of chameleon templates. I mean, it's basically static, but anyway, fun stuff and continues to be
09:14 fun. And so which, which, course is this for? Is it for the Python powered chat apps with Twilio
09:21 and SendGrid, which is actually a free course, but it sets up a chat bot that you order from like a
09:26 bakery type thing over WhatsApp. And the problem is if you go to the APIs that the WhatsApp thing was
09:33 using, they just 500 or 404 or one of those two things, neither of which is super useful for the
09:39 course. So I recreated it in FastAPI this morning, which is cool. Now it lives on the internet,
09:43 but that's not what I want to talk about as super as that is. I want to talk about Apache
09:48 superset. Okay. Have you heard of superset?
09:51 No. Well, the word I know.
09:53 Of course. But Apache superset is a modern data exploration and visualization platform. And I came
09:58 across that the other day and I'm like, what the heck is this? I haven't even heard of this. It has
10:02 almost 50,000 GitHub stars. Okay. That's insane. And is put together, by back, Max Bushman,
10:10 co also the creator of Apache airflow, which is pretty cool, right?
10:15 So this is, this turns out to be a really interesting program and it's written in Python
10:21 and TypeScript. It's like really front end heavy because it has a lot of visualizations and stuff,
10:25 right? But all the backend stuff, it's all the things that you would know. It's Flask, it's Redis,
10:30 Celery, many of the, you know, pandas and data science tools you would know, but it's not exactly
10:35 a tool for developers like Jupyter. So Jupyter would be a way that data scientists who know Python would sit
10:42 down and leverage their Python skills to check out data and explore things. This one is really almost
10:48 meant for like people who would say, I'm going to fire up Excel and see what's going on, or I'm going
10:53 to fire up some BI tool like Tableau. And I want to look at it a little bit and see what's going on.
10:58 And it's also open source and written in Python, which means it has APIs and extensions and plugins in
11:06 Python, which is pretty excellent. So it has a way to explore your data. Like Brian, look at this
11:10 picture. What do you think? It's, I don't know what it is, but it's pretty.
11:13 It's glorious, right? Like it's a fantastic way to visualize. You know, here's 25 contributors to a
11:19 stream over time. You can sort of see like the growth of their contributions or not. And so the way you
11:24 generate this is you just connect it to a database. It gives you the table. You say, make a chart out of
11:29 this database and you draggy, droppy, the pieces over and boom, there it goes. And it doesn't have to
11:35 just be the data in the database. It can be a computed field. So you could say, I want to graph
11:41 the sum of this join onto like the orders of each customer, or I want to see the max order for each
11:48 customer, you know, things like that. Right. So that's pretty cool. So you can explore data like
11:52 that. You can create these dashboards, these live dashboards to see what's the state of our
11:57 business today. And it even comes with a SQL IDE, all of this in the browser, very Jupyter-esque.
12:03 Pretty cool.
12:04 This is pretty neat. Yeah.
12:06 Yeah. Very, very neat. And it connects to, I told you it was Python. It connects to all of its databases
12:13 using SQLAlchemy. And so any database that can be a data source for SQLAlchemy, you know,
12:18 obviously Microsoft SQL server, Postgres, MySQL, but you know, things you might not think of like
12:24 Vertica or Druid or Amazon Redshift or Google BigQuery, all of these different data sources,
12:30 Databricks are available as a data source because SQLAlchemy knows how to talk to it. And this just
12:36 leverages SQLAlchemy. Yeah. Hey, hold it there for a sec. One of the things I learned recently,
12:40 which I don't know why I never got this before, but look at the SQLite logo. Yes. It's got a quill in
12:46 it. Did you, did you know that before that it's a quill for SQLite? Oh, quill. I did not put that
12:53 together now. How funny. Now we know. Cool. So anyway, yeah, people can check this out. It's
13:00 kind of a little bit intense to run, but you can pip install it, but probably the better way to do it,
13:06 you want to just try it out is to install it locally with Docker. So for me, for example, I just
13:13 put in the GitHub repo and then went in there and said Docker compose, gave it the YAML file and said,
13:17 pull and then up and off it goes.
13:19 So this is not a service. This is just something you can download and you run then.
13:24 It's something you can download and run, but it has a lot of infrastructure bits clicking together.
13:28 Okay. And so, when I interviewed Max Bushman, he actually is now the CEO and founder of preset,
13:37 which is superset as a service. So if you want to, if you want to have someone else host it for you,
13:42 you can go check it out with them. Right. But it's also a thing you can just run yourself,
13:47 but look how popular it is. Almost 50,000 get up stars, 10,000 forks. And I just learned of it.
13:51 That's nuts.
13:52 Well, I mean, you know, go figure. People actually want to know what's in their data.
13:56 I know.
13:57 Weirdos.
13:58 Yeah. It's so weird. What I think is cool about it is it lets you connect into like your live
14:04 operational data, not just like, Oh, I downloaded a CSV and now I can ask questions. Right. You can just
14:08 like whatever the current data is, let's get that and build a dashboard around it.
14:12 Pretty awesome. Yeah. Yeah. All right. Well, superset, if people need an alternative to Excel
14:17 or BI or Tableau or whatever, check out superset. It's very, very Python friendly and looks pretty
14:22 nice.
14:23 You know what else is nice?
14:24 Tell me.
14:24 Microsoft for startups.
14:27 Ah, they are. They are very nice. So yes, it's time to tell everyone about our sponsor,
14:33 isn't it, Brian?
14:34 Yeah.
14:34 Let me tell you all about Microsoft for startups. They created Microsoft for startups, founders
14:38 hubs to help give early stage startups, the support that they need to be successful. If you are dreaming
14:46 of, or in these stages of an early stage startup, you know, you should go apply. And the link at the
14:52 bottom in the show notes is by them by set of them slash founders hub 2022, all one word go over
15:00 there and apply is completely free to apply. You don't have to be third party verified. You don't have
15:04 to be VC funded. If they think your startup has merit, you're in the program program comes with
15:10 many thousands of dollars of cloud credits. You can, you get some to start. And as you make your
15:17 way through different stages of your life cycle, you get a bunch more, but what's maybe even more
15:22 important is access to their mentorship network. So there's a reason that Silicon Valley is the
15:29 heart of so many startups. And it's not just, you know, the nice weather, if anything,
15:34 I don't encourage people to go outside and not work on their projects, right? It's the network
15:38 and it's the connections. And if you live somewhere else, or if you're not in that space, it's very
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15:51 set up there. So in addition to all the cloud credits and so on, you have access to this founders
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16:13 you're golden. So make your idea a reality today with a critical support for Microsoft for startups,
16:18 Founders Hub. Check them out at 2022. Thanks again to Microsoft for
16:25 supporting our show. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. Indeed. All right, Brian. Now what you got?
16:30 Well, I want to share something that Jeremy Page from the chat says, I thought SQL, always thought the
16:37 SQLite logo was an homage to TCL and I've got the logo for TCL. So maybe, I don't know.
16:44 Perhaps. Interesting. So, but I wanted to talk about recipes from Python SQLite again, recipes from Python
16:53 SQLite docs. So this is kind of a, there's a, this is an article by, I wrote it down, I promise I did.
17:00 Redowan Delaware, cool name. So this, he was going through the SQLite three docs on the Python docs.
17:09 And there's a, there's a lot of examples, but some of them don't have actual examples. It just talks
17:15 about the API. And so he decided to write out some of the examples as little code snippets. And I really
17:21 like this. If you're learning SQLite or even, you're just want to learn not SQLite in particular, but
17:27 databases. These are concepts that apply to a lot of things. So he's, he's got, of course, whether or not
17:33 you can execute individual statements or batch statements. So he's got little examples for that
17:38 goes into this is interesting. I thought was user defined callbacks. I thought this was really cool.
17:45 For instance, a scalar function, he defined a, and I knew that like you could put user defined functions
17:51 in databases, but I haven't ever done that really. He has a, a hash function, SHA256, that creates a hash
17:59 for passwords. And then he shows how to use that when he passes in a username and password into the
18:05 database, how it turns it into a hash, hashes it before it stores it.
18:10 That is cool. I never knew you could do that. Here's a Python function passed over as part of a
18:16 passed over to SQLite. And then the SQL statements can call it. That's, that's real cool.
18:21 Yeah. I mean, there's a special syntax. So that's good that there's these examples of like insert into
18:26 user values, users values, and then this question mark and SHA256 question mark.
18:32 Also, that's fantastic that that's being shown because that's the parametrized,
18:37 then the anti little Bobby tables version.
18:40 Okay.
18:41 Which is the best practice, right? The alternative is something worse.
18:46 Yeah. And then, you know, aggregate functions, which kind of got lost here, but there's a whole
18:53 bunch of really cool examples of using, using SQLite and, and they're really tiny examples. And so the,
19:00 one of the other things I wanted to share the reasons I wanted to share this article is I think
19:04 this is a really great way to learn an API or learn a service is to write these little example
19:11 things in little code snippets and try it out. Try it out with a table that you're creating that only
19:17 has two or three elements in it so that you can, you can play with it and, and you can get your head
19:22 around what you think the answer should be and what it does. The only thing I think I'd probably add,
19:27 of course, is if you're going to do little code snippets, these all have to be in separate files,
19:33 right? Unless you just write test functions. So this is a great use for pytest. I use it all the time.
19:38 If I'm learning something, I just do these little code snippets, but I do them within a test function.
19:43 And then it can be, it's not really testing anything except my own knowledge, but I can run
19:47 them just by right clicking on the, or clicking on the little arrow that the editor has for each
19:52 little function. So just rerun the failed test until, until I understand it. Yeah. Oh yeah. Very cool.
19:59 Anyway. All right. How about something we don't understand? Okay.
20:03 Let me take you over, let me take you over to a weird world of cascading consequences. So there's
20:08 this guy who is a assistant professor at NYU Tandon security and reverse engineering person named
20:16 Brandon Dolan Gavit. And there's this tweet here over to his blog post saying, a new blog post in which I
20:24 I download four terabytes of Python packages containing native X86 libraries, you know,
20:31 something that's done some C++ thing like G event or pandas, one of those numpy that then bundles
20:38 it into a wheel. And apparently there's a bug in one of the C compilers that if you pass dash F
20:45 fast dash math, it will potentially alter the floating point behavior of your program. If you
20:51 compile it with that. All right. So we're in Python, we don't compile things that often. What do we care?
20:56 Well, what this does is it reconfigures how the process uses like some low level registers,
21:04 but some feature of the CPU on how it does floating point math. And because when the library is loaded,
21:10 it changes that feature while it changes it for the entire program, AKA your program. That doesn't
21:16 sound great. Does it? No. So let's, let's dive in. So the article is called someone's been messing
21:22 with my sub normals, sub normals, I suppose being an aspect of floating point computations. So here he
21:28 is in Python 3.8 and he says from transformers import code gen for causal LM. And that's all they,
21:36 it's all he wanted. This is in IPython terminal. And it starts bumping out all these warnings.
21:41 NumPy core get limits. User warning, the value of the smallest subnormal for class
21:46 numpy.float32 type is zero. Over and over and over these start popping out. It's like,
21:52 hmm, well, warnings about floating point numbers sounds bad. What do you think?
21:56 Yeah.
21:57 So it turns out that something, not numpy, but something that is in this library was compiled with
22:05 this dash FF math dash fast flag. When it got imported, it changed how numpy was working. Okay.
22:13 So it says, what were the problems? It says, well, it changes the floating point unit behavior that's on
22:19 the CPU, the actual FPU. I remember when, by the way, CPUs didn't come with that. Like I was trying to
22:25 decide with my first computer to get a 486 SX or DX. And I got the DX because it came with a floating
22:31 point unit on the CPU. Anyway, that thing gets messed with and says for some algorithms that depend on the
22:39 behavior and will fail to converge if it's set to treat this as different. So it uses the FTZ DAZ flags
22:47 in the MX CSR register. That's part of the part that I don't understand. I don't, I don't work that low
22:53 level, but it turns out it's not ideal. So it said, well, what is actually going on here? And apparently
23:00 there's a way, there's a whole bunch of stuff, how you can search through Linux and whatnot to figure out
23:05 what processes are doing this weird stuff. And also apparently if you compile with the dash, oh fast, it
23:12 also like cascades over to having the same behavior. So there's some exploration, like you wrote some C code
23:18 and then imported it into Python. and it seemed all fine. And then did the same thing with oh fast and able to get
23:25 all these warnings. I've never seen this warning. So I guess that's good, but it turns out the culprit was
23:31 G event of all things, which is a event-based asyncio networking library. Yeah. But somehow something was
23:39 using it. And when it got imported, it freaked everything out. So then the question becomes, well,
23:43 if G event, G event can be causing these problems because somebody thought it was awesome to compile
23:49 the fast version, not the slow version. What else is out there? So, Brandon went through and decided
23:55 to download four terabytes of wheels for all the things that might have some kind of x86 binary in
24:02 them. And then there's a ton of analysis of trying to figure out like, well, how do you actually look for
24:08 and find whether or not this program has this feature or not? It turns out to be pretty tricky.
24:13 So there's a bunch of stuff about going through to just check to see like what, how do you test it for
24:19 this many packages? Cause the test he was using before was super slow. So anyway, it's, it's not ideal.
24:26 I think there was something like 49 different packages. Let's see. I wrote it down up here. I'll get this
24:32 number, right? Yeah. There's 49 packages, 49 packages on PyPI that were built with this flag.
24:38 However, thousands of packages use those libraries and hence were also subject to that behavior with
24:45 10 million downloads in the last 30 days. So that's pretty nuts, huh?
24:49 Well, I mean, you're kind of scaring me. So how do I know if I need to care? I guess,
24:55 you know, I, are you doing iterative floating point math that goes down to like very small things?
25:01 Probably, probably not. I don't think I need to care. I'm doing like, I need, I didn't need to
25:06 know what 33% of, you know, 69 is. It should be fine. Right. but if you're doing, well,
25:12 you got to test, got to test your code. And I guess we have to test our math as well. I just sort of
25:17 trust that a lot of that works. Yeah. I suppose you would see those warnings, right? That about the
25:23 floating point subnormal coming in. Okay. Yeah. so there's a great long list of here of packages,
25:31 let's see. I'll just read some out. People might know. So for example, G event, G event, G event, HTTP client, flask socket IO dagster, which is used in data science a lot for
25:43 like data engineering, web socket, G event, web socket, locust for a testing, interpret high Kafka
25:51 and on and locust plugins, parallel SSH, right? So it doesn't matter if you're using that library
25:56 for the math, just if it gets imported, it changes all the math of the program.
26:01 So anyway, there, there it is. People can check it out. The comments are pretty glowing about this
26:07 research. Matthew Adams, for example, says crazy, awesome work, bro. You should be knighted for this.
26:13 in our chat, Alvaro says, run your, run your test with a dash W error, which you should be
26:20 anyway. So cool. So warnings treated as errors basically. Yeah. Yeah. Or set that particular
26:26 one to be, warning. All right. Well, I guess that's it for our four items that we're
26:31 covering today. Am I right? Yeah. I was just, I was, I was giggling during part of that. Cause I,
26:36 the subnormal just cracking me up. Like, like why is, why is Brian talk like that? I don't understand
26:42 most of his words. Oh, don't worry about him. He's subnormal. I don't know. I also, I also like the
26:50 title of the overall blog, push the red button, push the red button for a research, malware
26:56 reverse engineering, pen testing on the blog. Yeah. Nice. Nice. All right. Well, how about some extras?
27:01 Yeah. I don't have anything I want to show, but, but I was just going to say a couple of
27:08 things I've been up to. I've been thinking about change logs a lot and for on test and code,
27:13 instead of doing like a one episode on change logs, I thought I would talk to several people and do an
27:19 NPR style combined. So it might be, it might end up being a series of episodes that I'll release
27:25 together or, or one long episode. I'm not sure yet, but, basically I'm thinking about change
27:30 logs a lot. the other thing I've been doing is, thinking about, so we had that pie test
27:36 course out, right? Last week. we did just awesome on, Talk Python Training. and,
27:43 I, I, I, it's cool. anyway, Talk Python Training. I always get to it by just
27:48 remembering that I switched that and just say and you can get there.
27:53 But, but I've had some requests to take some of the content and, change it for individual
27:59 teams. So, and this is an interesting thing to me to, to, and to think about, to say, cause like in
28:05 this course we do a database and a command line interface, but we're mostly testing through the API.
28:09 So API API with the database application. so we're doing things, the, the layered things,
28:15 but some people are like, well, I don't use the database. So maybe we could swap that out with
28:19 an example that uses one of the resources we have. And more of our example, we don't do the API. We do
28:26 these little, we're testing something else. So like, okay, we can cover the concept. So it's a neat idea
28:31 to try to focus that towards people. So if it, I guess if you're interested in doing that,
28:35 check out, python and under training, check me out. So yeah. Awesome. Yeah. There's a
28:42 lot of ideas in that course that can be applied to different industries, different ways. Yeah. Yeah.
28:46 Different ways for sure. Awesome. Yeah. So the PI test course is going super strong. People really
28:51 love it. great work on that, Brian. I have another course to announce cause it's been a week.
28:55 It's been a week. It's been a week. Python data visualization. So this is a course by Chris
29:02 Moffitt over at Talk Python Training. And the idea is there's all these different choices. I mean,
29:07 we just talked about superset today and throw, throw that in as another thing in the pile of general
29:12 visualization tools, right? So you might do matplotlib, or maybe you want to use something new
29:17 like Altair. So this course goes through and shows you what it's like to do visualizations
29:23 in these different frameworks, like matplotlib, Seaborn, even pandas and and streamlet.
29:29 And then you can build out these different scenarios and say, well, in this case, it might make more
29:34 sense to use matplotlib, or I might choose Altair and it'll help you choose a visualization
29:38 framework, but also it'll show you how to use all of them. So it's a nice broad exposure to all these
29:43 different frameworks. So people can check that out. Talk by click on courses. Ooh, this,
29:48 this is definitely useful. I got a project that I need this for. So yeah, this is going to be a good
29:52 one. It is a good one. I've already seen it. I've seen it several times actually, but it's good.
29:57 Let me see. Do I have any more extras I want to give a shout out to? No, just those two things.
30:02 And then I have, I have two jokes for you this week because one is not enough.
30:05 No. Yeah.
30:06 The first one here has to do with people who maybe learned a different language, maybe are
30:13 hating a little on Python. So here's somebody says, me laughing at all the Python hate on this
30:19 sub Reddit as I study C#. Silly language. Come on. We all know C# is better. And then
30:26 that's like a smiling, laughing person. And then a more seriously, somewhat concerned starting a new
30:31 job and realizing on the job board, 95% of them are asking for Python. That's very fun.
30:37 Well, that now I want to go over to the, like the, the C# subreddit and see if I can find some
30:44 anti Python jokes.
30:45 I know.
30:45 Wouldn't that be good?
30:46 All right. Well, that one's pretty good. And then were you affected by the recent, we have,
30:52 for people who are not in our area in Pacific Northwest, there was a massive windstorm, like
30:57 30, 40 mile an hour wind, 25% humidity, a hundred degrees. It was like, if somebody threw a cigarette
31:04 out the window, the entire Pacific Northwest would just go instantly catch fire. It was like,
31:08 it was insanely bad. And so we had our power turned off in the West Hills here because the
31:14 trees were so likely to fall over and cause a fire from knocking over. So they just cut the power for
31:20 like a little bit. They also did that in California. There's like a big, it was a bit of an irony.
31:25 Like one day they said, we're going to only allow the sale of electric cars after 30, 30, 35 or something,
31:32 whatever the date is. I mean, I'm, I'm going to support that. I'm a fan of electric cars and all,
31:36 but like the next week they said, Oh, we're going to turn off your power. Cause actually I think the
31:41 electric cars might help balance it out. But anyway, bit of an irony. So this next joke has to do with
31:45 that. So I got ahold of this from Kylie codes and she highlighted this tweet that says the governor
31:52 has declared that for California, the governor has declared a state of emergency and ask all
31:56 Californians not to run NPM install between 4 PM and 9 PM today in an effort to save energy and fight
32:04 this wildfire danger. Oh, that's awesome. Isn't that good? Yeah. Yeah. I love it. So that's,
32:11 that's the two jokes I got for you. yeah, nothing too deep. Well then also you, me and missed one.
32:17 There was a, like the, the, the build on of that. The build. All right. Do tell us about it.
32:22 Okay. Governor declares the state of emergency and asked all Californians to not run,
32:25 a wasm pack build between 4 PM and 9 PM. Exactly. Nice. Cool. And John Sheehan says,
32:33 it's funny because it's true. Didn't you just talk about the other day, about rough and having
32:43 our Python tools faster, like the JavaScript community is being concerned about faster tools.
32:48 Maybe not everywhere. Maybe not a hundred percent. Yeah. Awesome. All right. All right. Well,
32:53 good episode as always. Thank you. Thank you. We'll talk to you next week. Yeah. See you next week.
32:59 Thanks everyone for listening. Bye. Bye.