Transcript #422: You need 4 spaces
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00:05 This is episode 422 recorded March 3rd, 2025.
00:09 I am Michael Kennedy.
00:10 And I am Brian Okken.
00:11 And this episode is brought to you by us.
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00:22 275 hours?
00:24 I mean, not that many.
00:24 275 hours of courses over at Talk Python.
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00:53 Yeah, so with that said, Ryan, how do we start our show today?
00:57 Let's start it with a video, kind of.
00:59 - Wait, isn't this already a video?
01:01 People want to watch it?
01:01 - Yeah, yeah.
01:03 - Very mad at you.
01:04 - Yeah, so I'm trying to add this to the stage.
01:08 What's going on?
01:09 Oh, the wrong, yeah, anyway.
01:11 There we go.
01:13 Technical difficulties that won't make any sense to anybody listening.
01:16 So, we don't normally cover video because it's, I don't know, I don't know why,
01:22 but I don't watch a lot of Python videos, I guess.
01:25 But this one is a do not miss.
01:28 So Henik put out a video called my 2025 UV based project, Python project layout for production apps.
01:36 And I was paid attention to this partly to see what he was up to and I like UV.
01:43 But also this, so this, when you watch it, his example is a FastAPI app.
01:50 And in his world, an app is usually like, really a website app.
01:56 And later he's gonna go on to talk about Docker, I think, because this is a part one, part one of a series.
02:04 But this one's already enough that I think it's really useful.
02:07 And especially in a lot of the, some of the stuff I deal with I think of an app as anything that's packaged, kind of.
02:17 Like it's not a package, it's not something you put on PyPI, but it's a bunch of your own code
02:23 that you normally would have used a requirements.txt file, and I like his model better.
02:28 So I'm gonna jump in, I got a couple tabs because it's kind of hard to like navigate.
02:35 Anyway, snapshot videos.
02:37 So I stopped them where I wanted to.
02:39 So the video is great, it's about 25 minutes long, it's pretty quick to watch.
02:46 Here we've got the project layout.
02:49 So his project layout is using a source layout.
02:53 And really, there's no requirements file.
02:56 All of the requirements are in the pyproject.toml.
02:59 And instead of a custom lock file or one you manually do, he's just recommending that you let
03:06 UV take care of a lot of the project stuff.
03:09 And actually, even with--
03:11 and we'll take a look at a little bit more of what's in pyproject.toml.
03:15 But he's recommending that you go ahead and check in the UV lock.
03:18 So if you're letting UV handle your virtual environment, it's gonna create a lock file, and if you commit that,
03:25 then UV run later will use that and use all of the stuff in the lock file,
03:31 and you, instead of running Python, you clone the repo, run UV run on your project,
03:37 and it's gonna grab everything out of the lock file.
03:41 It's just like pin dependencies.
03:42 It's pretty sweet.
03:43 - Yep, I 100% agree with him.
03:46 Check in the UV lock file.
03:47 And then you don't also, you don't even have to do UV run if you don't want, you can just
03:51 do UV sync and it will also use the pin dependencies in the lock file.
03:55 And then, because some systems, they require to run kind of with their setup.
04:00 For example, Pyramid, you need to use PSERV and then it's like configuration file or flask,
04:07 you can do like flask run or Django.
04:09 Like, so if you still want to stick with that, you can just do UV sync.
04:11 So UV sync will grab all the, everything out of the lock file then.
04:15 Yes.
04:16 - Exactly.
04:17 - And--
04:18 - I think it might even create the virtual environment, though I haven't actually tried that yet.
04:21 - Yeah, it does.
04:22 Yeah, if you don't have one already, it'll create it.
04:24 And also, if you already had one, and it was out of sync, like UV sync, that's kind of what the part of the sync does.
04:32 If somebody updated some of the requirements, so the UV lock had changed,
04:37 then UV sync will rewrite the virtual environment.
04:41 So--
04:42 - Nice.
04:43 And so he's showing also that his version of how to specify the Python version
04:50 is to just specify it within your pyproject.toml and UV will grab that and install it if necessary.
04:57 And then also interesting discussion around version because pyproject.toml requires a version
05:04 but with a lot of applications we don't really utilize the version because it's just code that you're pushing and running.
05:12 So he said, "Just set it, if you don't care about the version, just set it to zero,
05:16 and then people will realize you're not using it." So...
05:20 The world's most common version.
05:22 Yeah.
05:22 And then also a discussion around the separation of dependency groups that came in recently
05:28 that UV handles nicely in PyProject TOML files.
05:33 And that allows you to separate your dependencies based on really what the application needs
05:39 versus what you need for development.
05:41 this will work then you can run. In production it won't install your like pytest and stuff,
05:49 but it'll install everything else. But when you're creating a virtual environment locally to develop,
05:54 it'll grab those also. So very cool to have all of this together. And then build system,
06:01 I didn't really realize that you could specify UV as a build backend. And I'm going to have to
06:11 hatchling in mind and, I believe several people have pointed out that hatchling is
06:16 the default. And the reason that we, when we played with this the very, very first time
06:20 it didn't show up with any build back in is because we created in, application mode,
06:25 but I think if we created a package mode, there's a way to say like, well, what really
06:29 kind of project are you creating? Then it specifies the build back in explicitly, I
06:32 think. So anyway, a lot of, a lot of options there, but yeah, very cool.
06:36 Yeah, and actually just an enjoyable video too.
06:40 I like what he's doing there.
06:41 So check it out.
06:42 Very nice.
06:44 Well, let's talk about async and await.
06:49 So there's this cool project called AIO Limiter, an efficient implementation of a rate limiter for async I/O.
06:56 And this comes to us from Martin Peters.
06:59 Martin Peters, at least at one point, was the most prolific Stack Overflow Python person.
07:06 period. So that was fun. And this project is a something that got created as a result
07:13 of an answer on Stack Overflow by him. So not a big surprise. I've, I'll beat on the
07:19 dead horse a little bit, Brian. I feel like there's a really, there's a big missing piece
07:23 for async and await in Python. And that is any sort of mechanism or control or, or understanding
07:30 or adjustment or whatever of the underlying running of async code in general.
07:36 Right?
07:36 If I call an async function and I say a way to thing, how does it run?
07:41 Well, you don't know.
07:43 It might be running in an event loop that you've created, it might be running in one
07:47 that you, a framework created.
07:49 You don't sometimes often, most of the time let's say, you don't get a choice on how that
07:53 loop is created.
07:54 For example, if you're using FastAPI, FastAPI creates a loop and says, "Here, you can use
07:58 this one.
07:59 like it. You know what I mean? Whereas systems like.NET, they've got thread pools and async
08:06 I/O pools and contexts and stuff that you can say, "Hey, on this one, I want you to
08:11 limit to 10. So if you're doing work, just do 10 at a time. When you're done with one,
08:15 allow the other ones to come in, otherwise queue them and just make them away." Right?
08:18 Stuff like that is kind of missing. So all these projects are trying to backfill that
08:23 kind of functionality into Python's async and await. And this is cool. So it does give
08:27 you like suppose you're working on a project and you're using an external API
08:32 and the API says you have a rate limit of five per second if you go over that
08:36 we're gonna start failing and telling you status code 429 too many requests
08:40 wait however long and try again but that becomes like really janky right so with
08:45 this thing what you can do is I can create a rate limiter and say I'm willing to allow a hundred calls within a 30-second window or the example I gave
08:54 five calls within a one-second window or whatever, right?
08:57 Something like that.
08:58 And then you just put that into a async with block and then stuff that happens in that window
09:03 will be limited by this rate limit.
09:05 - Okay.
09:06 - Cool, right?
09:06 So it makes it really easy to handle those kinds of things.
09:09 But often it's not like I'm going to make all of the calls here, you know what I mean?
09:15 It's I want all the async calls in the system to be limited in this way,
09:19 not the ones that I'm controlling the particular function of, which is sort of the crux of my complaint that I started with.
09:26 But this is nice.
09:26 You create one of these somewhere, and then anywhere you use this rate limit
09:30 as a context manager, it is subject to that rate limiting.
09:34 So it doesn't have to be the same function.
09:36 It doesn't have to be all the codes are happening at the same time within the block.
09:40 So, you know, that's a pretty nice thing, right?
09:43 As long as you just put that in all the places you need it.
09:45 Like, for example, one of the problems you can do is you're getting too many requests.
09:48 You can overwhelm your database, and because you're awaiting it asynchronously,
09:53 you could just keep feeding it to the database, even if the database is slowing down
09:56 and slowing down and slowing down.
09:57 So like in your data access layer, you could just wrap all of your queries
10:01 in one of these things that say, don't let more than, I don't know, 10 per second
10:05 or whatever is reasonable for your database.
10:08 That's kind of low, but you know what I mean.
10:10 Like you can sort of control that.
10:11 - So you might like have one of these rate limiter for your database and then maybe one for an external API or-
10:19 - Yes, theoretically, and they could be different, right?
10:22 - Yeah, okay, that makes sense.
10:24 - Yeah, anyway, yeah, I thought this was kinda cool, and people who are worried about trying to solve
10:29 that problem, then they can use this as one of the tools there.
10:35 - Computers are so fast, sometimes we're like, it's too fast, slow down a little bit.
10:38 - Yeah, it's like, let's make it allow it to do all the work and not wait on any of it,
10:42 like, usually good, sometimes bad.
10:45 - Sometimes bad.
10:47 - But the thing on the end doesn't like it.
10:49 - Yep.
10:50 - Yeah, and out in the audience we got a, "Wow, cool," says Aziz.
10:53 "I had this limit problem a lot." Yeah, awesome.
10:55 Hope it helps.
10:56 - Yeah, hope it limits your problems.
10:58 - It does limit, it will limit your problems.
11:01 What's next?
11:02 - That was weak.
11:02 So, I wanna talk about SpyStuff.
11:05 So, Lucas Lange wrote an article about SpyStuff.
11:10 Actually, "A Peek into a Possible Future "of Python in the Browser." who, there's a, it's a kind of a fun article also,
11:19 but a great picture as well, some cool picture of the mountains.
11:22 Anyway, and you know, he's, I trust what he, I trust his opinion because of his involvement with Python and everything,
11:30 but this is interesting about a lot of the core Python people really involved with thinking about the web.
11:38 So there's a section about looking back on, I haven't read this, or seen this,
11:44 but apparently there was a Gary Bernhardt talk about the birth and death of JavaScript.
11:48 I'll have to go back and look at that.
11:50 And then, but basically talking about the history of Python and--
11:53 - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
11:54 If you have not seen the birth and death of JavaScript, it needs to go to the top of your list.
11:59 - Okay.
12:00 - The birth and death of JavaScript is a seminal video that is both hilarious and very insightful.
12:06 - Okay, well--
12:06 - And the JavaScript is part of the joke.
12:09 - Okay, JavaScript, all right.
12:11 Well, then he goes on to talk about Pyodide other things and using NumPy and Cython and stuff. But the real thrust here is a new research
12:27 project called SPI. S, capital S, capital P, lower Y, I guess. So that's SPI stuff.
12:36 The article says the SPI is a research project in its early stages. At the moment, don't
12:41 attempt to use it yet unless you plan to contribute.
12:44 But maybe you do plan to contribute.
12:47 Both incomplete implementation-wise and design-wise, but so early stages.
12:53 But it sounds pretty cool.
12:55 So there's this-- I like the idea.
12:57 So there's this-- I'm going to jump down to the demo, see if we can get it to play.
13:02 So-- ooh, I had video sound too, but I don't think you hear that.
13:05 But anyway, there's a demo of it working, of some shapes shifting around.
13:09 And that's actually running in the browser already, but you just can't, I guess it's not complete yet.
13:15 But this idea of having things that look like Python.
13:20 So when you're, there's like blue code and red code is the idea.
13:25 And the blue code is stuff that just like acts like Python.
13:28 And that's great for debugging and stuff.
13:31 And because people are used to writing in Python.
13:34 And then there's a redshift model of, 'cause that's what we do a lot is like,
13:39 whether we should compile it or not.
13:40 But this will pre-compute a lot of the stuff that's blue into a pre-compiled version.
13:49 Anyway, all the little compilation parts to make things run faster.
13:53 But I really like the idea that you've got a level where you're running it just as pure Python
13:59 and then you can deploy it and it runs as a compiled part.
14:03 So anyway, I'm probably getting this wrong at early stages, but we've got links to this article and then to the Spy Project itself,
14:11 which a lot of activity just recently.
14:14 So anyway, I like that and mostly, I don't know why I brought this up.
14:20 The, the, the story of Python in the web browser, better and better.
14:24 So anyway, I also bookmarked this article as something super interesting that should,
14:31 you know, might be worth talking and reading up on.
14:33 So thanks for covering it.
14:34 Yeah.
14:34 And if you've got a deeper, - We're on the verge.
14:36 - You mentioned we could bring it up later again as well.
14:39 - Yeah, yeah, it's early days, so maybe there'll be more news on it.
14:42 I'm very excited about the possibility of Python in the browser.
14:47 It'll uncork some amazing stuff if that really gets running seamlessly.
14:52 - And really, I'm saying the browser, but really what we're also meaning is that
14:57 if we could not have different front-end and back-end languages, so if we do all the dynamic front-end stuff with Python,
15:04 be cool.
15:05 Exactly.
15:06 Exactly.
15:07 Like, so I think that the browser manufacturers could do significantly more to make this better for, for example, every one of them ships a
15:17 JavaScript runtime that's optimized.
15:19 Right.
15:19 Not a single one of them ships the WebAssembly version of Ruby or the web
15:25 assembly version of CPython, you know, Pyodide or the WebAssembly version of
15:29 .NET for Blazor or all these things.
15:32 And so all of those projects are like, well, it'd be great to use this.
15:35 but it's really slow to download the whole runtime on each page separately.
15:39 - Yeah.
15:40 - Every browser could say, "We will provide and keep up to date "as part of our binaries,"
15:46 or just off of the internet or whatever as you download it, "a shared Python runtime, a shared Ruby runtime,
15:52 "a shared.NET runtime," and so on, and they don't.
15:55 - Yeah.
15:56 - Right, but all these complaints about, "Well, the web frontend's too slow
16:00 "'cause you gotta download all this stuff," like, yes, you do now, but it could theoretically be that they say, well, we're going to support like an
16:08 open sort of management of these, these binary, these WebAssembly runtimes that
16:12 you might need to download.
16:13 Sure, the extras you got to download every time like JavaScript, but the core
16:17 runtime of 10 megs, we'll like update that with our browser or just update it as it
16:22 changes on the web.
16:23 I wish they would do that.
16:25 Right.
16:25 I mean, you know, they do it for JavaScript.
16:27 I mean, come on now.
16:29 Right.
16:29 It's like, it sounds crazy, but at the same time they do it for JavaScript and
16:32 they write their own.
16:33 All right, they wouldn't even have to write their own.
16:35 They just got to allow the run of random others.
16:38 Okay, enough of that.
16:39 Let's talk about reloading stuff in the browser.
16:41 Instead, that sounds fun.
16:42 So there's two projects I want to tell you about.
16:45 One is the big heavyweight does so much stuff to help you write web applications,
16:51 type in the editor, and have that stuff magically change.
16:55 For example, by default, if I run a Flask app and I go over to the, I run it and I open it up in a browser,
17:01 and I see the page I'm working on, and then I go over and I edit the Jinja template.
17:05 I hit save, and I refresh the browser, nothing happens.
17:09 I have to go back to Flask, restart Flask, go back to the browser, reload the browser,
17:15 now I can see my changes.
17:17 You can level that up one by going to Flask and say you're running in debug mode,
17:21 so if you see any changes, please rerun Flask and reload the templates if I edit the templates.
17:27 Then you can just edit your thing, save it, go over to your browser, hit refresh, see the changes.
17:33 But what would be nicer if I could have like two thirds of my screen be my editor,
17:37 one third of my screen be the web browser.
17:39 And as I type, I see stuff just changing on the page.
17:43 So if I put a CSS class on a thing, I don't have to go to the other app and do anything.
17:47 It just literally just the changes that apply like every second or so, right?
17:52 So that's what this Relodium thing is, but it does a lot.
17:56 So I want to put this out there for people as a cool option.
17:59 I'm not sure I'm going to put it out there as a recommendation yet.
18:01 So let me tell you.
18:02 So for example, it will not just do the experience I told you about, but it will
18:07 actually rerun every function.
18:10 If you make a change to a function, it will rerun it and you can actually
18:13 have it doing like live profiling.
18:16 So as you, as you type there, it'll give you a profiled output of the thing and so
18:24 on.
18:24 So if you kind of want to explore it, it gives you like that idea more broadly.
18:27 So it works there.
18:29 it comes with a PyCharm plugin which is what the little animation is so you can
18:33 actually see a visual representation of like the performance time and how it's
18:37 running and reworking and so on. Okay so that's pretty neat. Comes with an AI
18:41 thing I'm gonna skip that I don't know what that is or care. It has yeah so
18:47 generally if you make a change to a function it will re-execute the current
18:51 function providing immediate feedback and if there's an error it doesn't die
18:55 it just goes well okay once you fix it things are going to be good and it'll
18:58 start working again. So it's kind of durable to that, you know. And it'll
19:03 refresh files throughout the entire project, looking at dependencies. So if I
19:07 make a change to like one bit, then it'll change the others, you know, like with
19:10 new import or whatever. For Django, it does exactly what I was telling you, like
19:15 as you type, not just as you type HTML, but as you type Python. So the example
19:20 they have here is they, they're doing a query for all objects and then they
19:24 slice it to do a limit, paging and limiting type of business, and as they change the numbers
19:30 in the slice in Python, the web browser is automatically updating the results without
19:35 them touching it.
19:35 That's pretty cool.
19:37 Yeah, it's pretty cool, right?
19:39 Similarly for Flask, it automatically reloads Flask, but again, it says, look, it'll hot
19:44 reload the Flask app, but if you just set Flask debug to be true, Flask will already
19:50 do that, you know what I mean?
19:52 So the one thing it doesn't do is it doesn't refresh the page as you type on one side.
19:57 The stuff on the right doesn't change, right?
19:58 Another thing it does, it'll for SQLAlchemy because it's like running functions over and
20:03 over and over, it might start to do insert, insert, insert to the database.
20:07 So it does these auto runs and transactions that roll back so it doesn't tweak the database.
20:12 Oh, interesting.
20:13 Yeah.
20:13 And it also does hot reload for pandas.
20:16 So if you're messing with your data frame or things like that, it'll just automatically
20:20 be updating as you type.
20:21 - All right, pretty interesting, right, Brian?
20:23 - Yeah.
20:24 - Yeah, I don't know if I talked about it before, but just since people might want
20:27 a less intrusive version of that.
20:29 So I have this project called Server Hot Reload over on GitHub, and it's a single JavaScript file.
20:34 And if you just include the JavaScript file in your page, it will give you the same functionality
20:40 for web apps that will reload the template.
20:43 So for example, if you just include the JavaScript at the top of the page,
20:48 and then Flask, if you run it with Flask debug, or Pyramid automatically reloads in debug mode.
20:54 You can set that in the config file, and I'm sure you can do similar stuff with Django.
20:59 And then you just browse on one side, code on the other, and you just start typing,
21:03 and off it goes, and even detects if you set it up right, or even like reload the page if you change an image
21:08 that was being used, and things like that.
21:11 So, super cool, but this one, it doesn't go all crazy.
21:14 It doesn't require an IDE plugin and all that kind of stuff.
21:18 Basically what it does is it looks at the response from the server and says, "Is the
21:22 hash of the HTML changed?
21:24 If yes, reload the page.
21:26 If it's not changed, then don't reload the page," that kind of thing.
21:29 So anyway, two ways to basically work in your editor, start typing, and having some kind
21:36 of output web or in Relodium, other places, just automatically changing as you type so
21:41 you don't have to manage that.
21:42 You're just like, "Oh, what's this class?
21:43 Oh, that looks really great.
21:44 No, we need more padding here, da-da-da," off it goes.
21:47 - So the server one probably doesn't do the, like if you change Python or--
21:53 - Technically no, it doesn't do that.
21:55 However, if you set Flask to do that automatically and then it re-requests the page, then yes it does.
22:01 You know what I mean?
22:01 - Okay, got it.
22:02 - So if you're willing to use the framework tools, then it does.
22:06 - Okay, okay, very good, cool.
22:08 - Yeah, but it's nowhere near as intense, which I think for some people is a drawback
22:12 and other people is a plus, depending on where you are.
22:16 - Okay, nice.
22:17 - All right, that's it for all of our items, isn't it?
22:19 - Yeah, it is.
22:21 - Well then, what have you got for extras?
22:24 - I got just a pet project of mine that I wanted to talk about.
22:30 So the Complete pytest course has been out for a while, and there's a couple things about it that are a little,
22:36 that I'd really kind of like to change, so I'm working on some changes.
22:40 First of all, if you see, if you go to the, and look at it, it says there's 162 lessons.
22:45 It seems a little scary and the reason is because I've chopped it all up into, so there's
22:51 16 chapters in the book, the course covers the entire book, 16 chapters, each video covers
22:57 a section of a chapter and that's where, plus welcome videos and stuff, that's where the
23:04 162 comes in.
23:06 But that's a little, there's actually 162 videos which is a little intimidating, especially
23:12 if you're looking at one and you kind of like, there's a lot here.
23:17 But I mean, it's all good if you like to go in just like a few minutes at a time, that's great.
23:23 But some people wanna just chunk through an entire chapter in like a lunch break or something.
23:28 So the alternate version that I'm working on is chopping this up into just chapters.
23:35 So most chapters will be one video.
23:37 And then you can just chunk through like just watching one video, you can watch it in a weekend,
23:43 or not a weekend, in like, you know, 20 minutes or something like that.
23:47 There's a couple chapters, chapter two and chapter three are pretty big, writing test functions,
23:53 and then fixtures, pretty big concepts.
23:56 So they're a little longer, so I'm chopping those not into one video, but like three videos.
24:03 And so, when I get all done, the new version will be not 162 lessons, but like 20 lessons or something like that.
24:13 And then I'll probably make that the default and I'll just have both of them available
24:17 because some people might like the little more granularity and it's not more effort on me to have both of them around.
24:24 So they'll both be around.
24:26 Anyway, that's what I'm up to.
24:29 - Cool.
24:30 Yeah, I like the small little videos.
24:31 I think it's a way better reference material.
24:34 You don't wanna have to go like, where in that 15 minute video was the thing I wanted?
24:38 - Yeah, that's the benefit.
24:39 The other thing is I like to, for videos, I like to probably set them at like 1.2 speed
24:45 or 1.3 speed the first time, or 1.25, maybe 1.4, to get an overview really quickly.
24:53 And you have to reset that for every video, and that's somewhat a little annoying.
24:57 - That's a hassle.
24:58 - Yeah.
24:59 - That is a hassle.
25:00 All right, well let's see what I got for extra.
25:01 I got an oldie, something fun here.
25:04 So there was a Hacker News thread or Reddit thread.
25:08 I'm gonna go with Hacker News.
25:09 Pretty sure it was Hacker News talking about, hey, could some people recommend
25:13 some cool, legit programmer fiction books?
25:18 Right, like I want a spy thriller that has to do with programming but that's not stupid.
25:24 Right, it's not like, whoa, this is VB6, I know that.
25:27 I'm gonna track their IP, like, you know what?
25:29 That's not how it works.
25:31 More Mr. Robot, less Jurassic Park or whatever that was.
25:34 I can't remember.
25:35 So, the book that I thought was really cool I'll give a shout out to is by Mark Russinovich
25:40 who is the CTO of Azure.
25:41 And apparently I bought this book in 2012 just to give you a sense.
25:44 So it's not brand new, but it is a super cool series as long as you keep in mind like its computer world was 2012
25:51 so people can check that out if they're interested.
25:53 Also, Warp on Windows.
25:56 I'm a big fan of Warp, the terminal.
25:59 It's been working out super, super well.
26:01 I tried ghost TT or ghost DD or whatever, however you say that.
26:06 Just, I cannot do it.
26:07 I can't do it.
26:08 Like, it doesn't even let you like select text with hotkeys and stuff.
26:11 It just puts like control H and stuff in there.
26:14 And then until you can work with it as an editor, no, I can't do it.
26:19 So, I mean, I know there's some way, like you can hold shift and arrow, but you can't do like control shift arrow to do
26:26 like word by word.
26:27 And you can't do, like you can do a home, but you can't do like shift home.
26:30 These are like really weird, like editing and stuff where like some of it just starts putting
26:33 escape characters into the thing.
26:36 I don't remember exactly what it was 'cause when I saw it, I'm like, okay,
26:39 we'll come back to this some other time.
26:40 Anyway, if you are on Windows and you're looking for a better terminal, and I know Windows has fewer options
26:46 and less good options than the other places for a variety of terminals, like there's Windows Terminal,
26:52 and then, I don't know, is there anything else?
26:54 I'm not sure.
26:54 There's definitely Command Prompt.
26:56 - Well, PowerShell runs within Windows Terminal.
26:58 Like you can run Git Bash or PowerShell or whatever the DOS-like stuff.
27:03 You can run all that in Windows Terminal.
27:05 - Oh, right, okay.
27:06 - Right?
27:08 You can do the same in Warp.
27:10 You can choose, do I want PowerShell, do I want Git Bash or whatever.
27:13 But the thing that is the outer bit of it, you know, the app itself, there's not many options.
27:20 So this is a cool thing that people can check out.
27:21 I'll link to the video 'cause it's fun, but you can just go to or wherever it is.
27:25 Okay.
27:27 Our friends over at Teaching Python Podcast, they are participating in being
27:33 part of the PyCon 2025 Education Summit.
27:37 And they're pointing out that, Hey, the applications are going to be, you know,
27:45 sending a proposal very, very soon.
27:48 So that was, I think last Friday and today is Monday.
27:52 So, just recently opened up and they said the main theme is, in the age of AI, how do we maintain the creative,
27:58 empathetic, and critical thinking skills we need to make us human and great coders?
28:02 We want to know, and so there's a whole bunch of ideas around this.
28:05 So, we've got Kelly and Sean and a bunch of other people participating in this, so if that resonates with you,
28:12 check it out.
28:13 - No, I was just chuckling because even before AI, we hadn't figured that out as far as I could tell.
28:18 - Yeah, I don't really know the answer, So I'm going to ask ChatGPT, I'll get back to you.
28:22 [laughing]
28:22 Okay.
28:23 [laughing]
28:26 Yeah, one more extra here real quick.
28:28 I just noticed that Granian, which is powering Python by ZFM, by the way, and many, many other things,
28:33 just came out with their 2.0 release right there, seven hours ago.
28:37 How's that for fresh, shocking news?
28:39 Breaking news.
28:39 Breaking news.
28:42 [imitating drum roll]
28:43 As far as I can tell, there's a bunch of cool changes here.
28:46 One thing that's not cool is as far as I can tell it doesn't run FastAPI apps.
28:50 So if you have Gradient, powering your FastAPI app, you might test this before you just update.
28:58 There's also breaking changes in the CLI of like how you specify certain constraints and stuff.
29:03 That's easy enough to fix because it tells you this constraint such and such,
29:06 but I think there's something going on where at least all of my FastAPI apps stopped working when I switched to this,
29:12 but all the other ones like Cort and Flask and Pyramid all work fine.
29:16 - Interesting.
29:17 - Don't know why.
29:18 And Cort is async first just like FastAPI.
29:21 So I don't know what's going on, but they were not having it.
29:24 So I just pinned the version to less than two for those until whatever happens here gets figured out.
29:29 So there's just a little PSA.
29:31 All right, with that.
29:32 - So seven hours ago, you already tried it?
29:35 - Not on purpose.
29:36 I tried it three hours after it was released.
29:38 I needed to ship something else, but my deployment process is check something in the Git
29:44 and then have it go rebuild the Docker images and restart them.
29:47 And that's all, check all the dependencies, is there anything we can update?
29:50 Like, does Ubuntu have security fixes we need to apply?
29:54 Can we update the web server in case there's a security fix for it?
29:57 And then we'll rerun the dependencies and we'll restart it.
30:01 And then it didn't restart, I'm like, wait a minute, what?
30:03 Why, what's going on here?
30:05 This is not good.
30:07 So that's how I learned that there's a new release of "Granny." - Okay.
30:11 - You know what I mean?
30:12 It's not like I was like, "Oh, I gotta try it that quick." It tried itself on me and then it didn't go so well,
30:17 so I scrambled to fix it.
30:19 - Okay, got it.
30:20 - Yeah, yep.
30:21 Okay, joke?
30:23 - I'd love a joke.
30:24 - Tabs or spaces?
30:25 This one has to do with tabs or spaces.
30:27 I'll tell you a joke before the joke, a pre-joke, if you will, to get everyone in the mood.
30:31 This is like the bad joke, the bad comedian that shows up before the one you actually came to see.
30:36 So we were at PyCon, I don't know.
30:39 I think this might've even been in Portland.
30:40 This was a while ago.
30:42 And there was some company that was clearly not very tuned into Python.
30:46 They were just a coder company, right?
30:48 And they were like coming to sell their coder tools to the Python people.
30:51 And so as they wanted to make a spicy t-shirt and the spicy t-shirt said, "Tabs or spaces, fight."
30:58 Like this is the stupidest shirt I've seen at the whole conference.
31:01 I mean, tabs are basically disallowed.
31:03 They're not exactly disallowed, but they're pretty much disallowed.
31:06 - Like that's not an argument, it's over.
31:08 - And you're like, you're trying to set up as a debate, like you could do two spaces, four spaces and fight,
31:13 but you can't do tabs versus spaces at a Python conference.
31:17 Anyway, but people are going around with shirts nonetheless.
31:19 I think I got one to cut the lawn in.
31:21 - Okay, well, on that topic, two spaces or four spaces?
31:25 - Four, unless I'm doing JavaScript then two, 'cause for some reason the tools seem to default
31:29 to two for JavaScript, you?
31:32 like four usually, but I'm noticing that I'm using two frequently as well.
31:38 So, okay.
31:40 - Very contrarian.
31:41 Okay.
31:42 You're an enigma wrapped in a fuzzy cloud.
31:45 Okay.
31:46 How about this for, this is the real joke.
31:47 So I don't know if this is better or worse, but this is what people came for.
31:51 Code puns.
31:52 You ready, Brian?
31:53 - Yeah.
31:53 - A Python programmer walks into a bar and opens a tab.
31:56 The bartender tells them to sit at the table since they will need four spaces.
32:04 That's what I got for y'all.
32:10 No it's hilarious, see?
32:11 That's why people listen.
32:13 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
32:14 Oh no, I'm like advertising it poorly.
32:17 That was hilarious, man.
32:18 Good joke.
32:19 Now, there's actually a bunch more here.
32:20 We've talked about this place before, right?
32:22 Yeah.
32:23 Let's see.
32:24 They're not all good.
32:25 Why did the four loops stop running?
32:27 It took a break.
32:28 Yeah.
32:29 How do you convert a JavaScript bug?
32:31 You console it, like it's console log and so on.
32:34 There we go.
32:38 - No, it's good, thanks.
32:39 - I think it was hilarious, I know.
32:41 I hear the flaws, no, not really.
32:43 But that's what I brought anyway.
32:47 - Good talking with you again, and thanks everybody for listening.
32:50 - Yeah, you bet, bye all.