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#308: Conference season is heating up

Published Tue, Nov 1, 2022, recorded Tue, Nov 1, 2022
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Michael #0: New livestream time - 11am PT on Tuesdays. Also, subscribe to the youtube channel and “hit the bell” to get notified of all the live streams.

Brian #1: It’s PyCon US 2023 CFP time

Michael #2:

  • AnyIO is an asynchronous networking and concurrency library that works on top of either asyncio or trio. It implements trio-like structured concurrency (SC) on top of asyncio.
  • Cool interpretability between native threads and asyncio
  • Using subprocesses: AnyIO allows you to run arbitrary executables in subprocesses, either as a one-shot call or by opening a process handle for you that gives you more control over the subprocess.
  • Async file I/O: AnyIO provides asynchronous wrappers for blocking file operations. These wrappers run blocking operations in worker threads.
  • Cool synchronization primitives too.
  • Catch the Talk Python episode with Alex:

Brian #3: How to propose a winning conference talk

  • Reuven Lerner
  • Some nice tips and advice
  • Build a list of topics
    • If you train, teach, mentor, lead, or coach already:
      • what questions to people always ask you?
      • what knowledge would help people to have?
      • where do people seem to just “not get it”?
    • If you don’t train or teach, then maybe hit up Stack Overflow…
    • From Brian: I think you can imagine yourself a year or two ago and think about stuff you know now you wish you knew then and could learn faster.
  • Build an outline with times
    • This part often seems scary, but Reuven’s example is 10 bullets with (x min) notes.
  • Write up a summary. One short, one longer.
    • Indicate who will benefit, what they will come out knowing, and how it will help them.
  • Propose to multiple conferences. Why not?
  • Practice
  • (from Brian: Even if you get rejected, you’ve gained. Turn it into a youTube video or blog post or both.)
  • -

Michael #4: Sanic release adds background workers

  • via Felix
  • In v22.9 (go cal-ver!), the main new feature is the worker process management - the main Sanic process handles a pool of workers.
  • They are normally used for handling requests but you can also use them to handle background jobs and similar things. You could probably use it for a lot of the reasons people turn to something like Celery.
  • The lead developer (Adam Hopkins) has written a blog post about this feature.
  • MK: Sanic has been flying a bit under my radar. Maybe time to dive into it a bit more.



  • Create Presentation from Jupyter Notebook
    • Cool walkthrough of how to use the built in slideshow features of Jupyter Notebooks.
  • pytest 7.2.0 is out
    • No longer depends on the py library. So if you do, you need to add it to your dependencies.
    • nose officially deprecated, which includes setup() and teardown(). Really glad I dropped the “x unit” section on the 2nd edition of the pytest book.
    • testpaths now supports shell-style wildcards
    • Lots of other improvements. check out the change log


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